BIN = dive TEMP_DIR = ./.tmp PWD := ${CURDIR} PRODUCTION_REGISTRY = SHELL = /bin/bash -o pipefail TEST_IMAGE = busybox:latest # Tool versions ################################# GOLANG_CI_VERSION = v1.52.2 GOBOUNCER_VERSION = v0.4.0 GORELEASER_VERSION = v1.19.1 GOSIMPORTS_VERSION = v0.3.8 CHRONICLE_VERSION = v0.6.0 GLOW_VERSION = v1.5.0 DOCKER_CLI_VERSION = 23.0.6 # Command templates ################################# LINT_CMD = $(TEMP_DIR)/golangci-lint run --tests=false --timeout=2m --config .golangci.yaml GOIMPORTS_CMD = $(TEMP_DIR)/gosimports -local RELEASE_CMD = DOCKER_CLI_VERSION=$(DOCKER_CLI_VERSION) $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser release --clean SNAPSHOT_CMD = $(RELEASE_CMD) --skip-publish --snapshot --skip-sign CHRONICLE_CMD = $(TEMP_DIR)/chronicle GLOW_CMD = $(TEMP_DIR)/glow # Formatting variables ################################# BOLD := $(shell tput -T linux bold) PURPLE := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 5) GREEN := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 2) CYAN := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 6) RED := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 1) RESET := $(shell tput -T linux sgr0) TITLE := $(BOLD)$(PURPLE) SUCCESS := $(BOLD)$(GREEN) # Test variables ################################# # the quality gate lower threshold for unit test total % coverage (by function statements) COVERAGE_THRESHOLD := 55 ## Build variables ################################# DIST_DIR = dist SNAPSHOT_DIR = snapshot OS=$(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') SNAPSHOT_BIN=$(realpath $(shell pwd)/$(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/$(OS)-build_$(OS)_amd64_v1/$(BIN)) CHANGELOG := VERSION=$(shell git describe --dirty --always --tags) ifeq "$(strip $(VERSION))" "" override VERSION = $(shell git describe --always --tags --dirty) endif ## Variable assertions ifndef TEMP_DIR $(error TEMP_DIR is not set) endif ifndef DIST_DIR $(error DIST_DIR is not set) endif ifndef SNAPSHOT_DIR $(error SNAPSHOT_DIR is not set) endif define title @printf '$(TITLE)$(1)$(RESET)\n' endef .PHONY: all all: clean static-analysis test ## Run all static analysis and tests @printf '$(SUCCESS)All checks pass!$(RESET)\n' .PHONY: test test: unit ## Run all tests (currently unit and cli tests) $(TEMP_DIR): mkdir -p $(TEMP_DIR) ## Bootstrapping targets ################################# .PHONY: bootstrap-tools bootstrap-tools: $(TEMP_DIR) $(call title,Bootstrapping tools) curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(TEMP_DIR)/ $(CHRONICLE_VERSION) curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(TEMP_DIR)/ $(GOLANG_CI_VERSION) curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(TEMP_DIR)/ $(GOBOUNCER_VERSION) GOBIN="$(realpath $(TEMP_DIR))" go install$(GORELEASER_VERSION) GOBIN="$(realpath $(TEMP_DIR))" go install$(GOSIMPORTS_VERSION) GOBIN="$(realpath $(TEMP_DIR))" go install$(GLOW_VERSION) .PHONY: bootstrap-go bootstrap-go: $(call title,Bootstrapping go dependencies) go mod download .PHONY: bootstrap bootstrap: bootstrap-go bootstrap-tools ## Download and install all go dependencies (+ prep tooling in the ./tmp dir) ## Development targets ################################### #run: build # $(BUILD_PATH) build -t dive-example:latest -f .data/Dockerfile.example . # #run-large: build # $(BUILD_PATH) amir20/clashleaders:latest # #run-podman: build # podman build -t dive-example:latest -f .data/Dockerfile.example . # $(BUILD_PATH) localhost/dive-example:latest --engine podman # #run-podman-large: build # $(BUILD_PATH) --engine podman # #run-ci: build # CI=true $(BUILD_PATH) dive-example:latest --ci-config .data/.dive-ci # #dev: # docker run -ti --rm -v $(PWD):/app -w /app -v dive-pkg:/go/pkg/ golang:1.13 bash # #build: gofmt # go build -o $(BUILD_PATH) .PHONY: generate-test-data generate-test-data: docker build -t dive-test:latest -f .data/Dockerfile.test-image . && docker image save -o .data/test-docker-image.tar dive-test:latest && echo 'Exported test data!' ## Static analysis targets ################################# .PHONY: static-analysis static-analysis: lint check-go-mod-tidy check-licenses .PHONY: lint lint: ## Run gofmt + golangci lint checks $(call title,Running linters) # ensure there are no go fmt differences @printf "files with gofmt issues: [$(shell gofmt -l -s .)]\n" @test -z "$(shell gofmt -l -s .)" # run all golangci-lint rules $(LINT_CMD) @[ -z "$(shell $(GOIMPORTS_CMD) -d .)" ] || (echo "goimports needs to be fixed" && false) # go tooling does not play well with certain filename characters, ensure the common cases don't result in future "go get" failures $(eval MALFORMED_FILENAMES := $(shell find . | grep -e ':')) @bash -c "[[ '$(MALFORMED_FILENAMES)' == '' ]] || (printf '\nfound unsupported filename characters:\n$(MALFORMED_FILENAMES)\n\n' && false)" .PHONY: format format: ## Auto-format all source code $(call title,Running formatters) gofmt -w -s . $(GOIMPORTS_CMD) -w . go mod tidy .PHONY: lint-fix lint-fix: format ## Auto-format all source code + run golangci lint fixers $(call title,Running lint fixers) $(LINT_CMD) --fix .PHONY: check-licenses check-licenses: $(TEMP_DIR)/bouncer check ./... check-go-mod-tidy: @ .github/scripts/ && echo "go.mod and go.sum are tidy!" ## Testing targets ################################# .PHONY: unit unit: $(TEMP_DIR) ## Run unit tests (with coverage) $(call title,Running unit tests) go test -race -coverprofile $(TEMP_DIR)/unit-coverage-details.txt ./... @.github/scripts/ $(COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) $(TEMP_DIR)/unit-coverage-details.txt ## Acceptance testing targets (CI only) ################################# # todo: add --pull=never when supported by host box .PHONY: ci-test-docker-image ci-test-docker-image: docker run \ --rm \ -t \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ '${PRODUCTION_REGISTRY}/wagoodman/dive:latest' \ '${TEST_IMAGE}' \ --ci .PHONY: ci-test-deb-package-install ci-test-deb-package-install: docker run \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /${PWD}:/src \ -w /src \ ubuntu:latest \ /bin/bash -x -c "\ apt update && \ apt install -y curl && \ curl -L '${DOCKER_CLI_VERSION}.tgz' | \ tar -vxzf - docker/docker --strip-component=1 && \ mv docker /usr/local/bin/ &&\ docker version && \ apt install ./snapshot/dive_*_linux_amd64.deb -y && \ dive --version && \ dive '${TEST_IMAGE}' --ci \ " .PHONY: ci-test-deb-package-install ci-test-rpm-package-install: docker run \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /${PWD}:/src \ -w /src \ fedora:latest \ /bin/bash -x -c "\ curl -L '${DOCKER_CLI_VERSION}.tgz' | \ tar -vxzf - docker/docker --strip-component=1 && \ mv docker /usr/local/bin/ &&\ docker version && \ dnf install ./snapshot/dive_*_linux_amd64.rpm -y && \ dive --version && \ dive '${TEST_IMAGE}' --ci \ " .PHONY: ci-test-linux-run ci-test-linux-run: ls -la $(SNAPSHOT_DIR) ls -la $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/dive_linux_amd64_v1 chmod 755 $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/dive_linux_amd64_v1/dive && \ $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/dive_linux_amd64_v1/dive '${TEST_IMAGE}' --ci && \ $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/dive_linux_amd64_v1/dive --source docker-archive .data/test-kaniko-image.tar --ci --ci-config .data/.dive-ci # we're not attempting to test docker, just our ability to run on these systems. This avoids setting up docker in CI. .PHONY: ci-test-mac-run ci-test-mac-run: chmod 755 $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/dive_darwin_amd64_v1/dive && \ $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/dive_darwin_amd64_v1/dive --source docker-archive .data/test-docker-image.tar --ci --ci-config .data/.dive-ci # we're not attempting to test docker, just our ability to run on these systems. This avoids setting up docker in CI. .PHONY: ci-test-windows-run ci-test-windows-run: dive.exe --source docker-archive .data/test-docker-image.tar --ci --ci-config .data/.dive-ci ## Build-related targets ################################# .PHONY: build build: $(SNAPSHOT_DIR) ## Build release snapshot binaries and packages $(SNAPSHOT_DIR): ## Build snapshot release binaries and packages $(call title,Building snapshot artifacts) @# create a config with the dist dir overridden @echo "dist: $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)" > $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml @cat .goreleaser.yaml >> $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml @# build release snapshots @bash -c "\ VERSION=$(VERSION:v%=%) \ $(SNAPSHOT_CMD) --config $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml \ " .PHONY: cli cli: $(SNAPSHOT_DIR) ## Run CLI tests chmod 755 "$(SNAPSHOT_BIN)" $(SNAPSHOT_BIN) version go test -count=1 -timeout=15m -v ./test/cli .PHONY: changelog changelog: clean-changelog ## Generate and show the changelog for the current unreleased version $(CHRONICLE_CMD) -vvv -n --version-file VERSION > $(CHANGELOG) @$(GLOW_CMD) $(CHANGELOG) $(CHANGELOG): $(CHRONICLE_CMD) -vvv > $(CHANGELOG) .PHONY: release release: ## Cut a new release @.github/scripts/ .PHONY: release ci-release: ci-check clean-dist $(CHANGELOG) $(call title,Publishing release artifacts) # create a config with the dist dir overridden echo "dist: $(DIST_DIR)" > $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml cat .goreleaser.yaml >> $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml bash -c "$(RELEASE_CMD) --release-notes <(cat --config $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml" .PHONY: ci-check ci-check: @.github/scripts/ ## Cleanup targets ################################# .PHONY: clean clean: clean-dist clean-snapshot ## Remove previous builds, result reports, and test cache .PHONY: clean-snapshot clean-snapshot: rm -rf $(SNAPSHOT_DIR) $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml .PHONY: clean-dist clean-dist: clean-changelog rm -rf $(DIST_DIR) $(TEMP_DIR)/goreleaser.yaml .PHONY: clean-changelog clean-changelog: rm -f $(CHANGELOG) VERSION ## Halp! ################################# .PHONY: help help: @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "$(BOLD)$(CYAN)%-25s$(RESET)%s\n", $$1, $$2}'