Alex Goodman d5e8a92968
Rework CI validation workflow and makefile (#460)
* rework CI validation workflow and makefile

* enable push

* fix job names

* fix license check

* fix snapshot builds

* fix acceptance tests

* fix linting

* disable pull request event

* rework windows runner caching

* disable release pipeline and add issue templates
2023-07-06 22:01:46 -04:00

265 lines
7.8 KiB

package layout
import (
type Constraint func(int) int
type Manager struct {
lastX, lastY int
lastHeaderArea, lastFooterArea, lastColumnArea Area
elements map[Location][]Layout
func NewManager() *Manager {
return &Manager{
elements: make(map[Location][]Layout),
func (lm *Manager) Add(element Layout, location Location) {
if _, exists := lm.elements[location]; !exists {
lm.elements[location] = make([]Layout, 0)
lm.elements[location] = append(lm.elements[location], element)
func (lm *Manager) planAndLayoutHeaders(g *gocui.Gui, area Area) (Area, error) {
// layout headers top down
if elements, exists := lm.elements[LocationHeader]; exists {
for _, element := range elements {
// a visible header cannot take up the whole screen, default to 1.
// this eliminates the need to discover a default size based on all element requests
height := 0
if element.IsVisible() {
requestedHeight := element.RequestedSize(area.maxY)
if requestedHeight != nil {
height = *requestedHeight
} else {
height = 1
// layout the header within the allocated space
err := element.Layout(g, area.minX, area.minY, area.maxX, area.minY+height)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to layout '%s' header: %+v", element.Name(), err)
return area, err
// restrict the available screen real estate
area.minY += height
return area, nil
func (lm *Manager) planFooters(g *gocui.Gui, area Area) (Area, []int) {
var footerHeights = make([]int, 0)
// we need to layout the footers last, but account for them when drawing the columns. This block is for planning
// out the real estate needed for the footers now (but not laying out yet)
if elements, exists := lm.elements[LocationFooter]; exists {
footerHeights = make([]int, len(elements))
for idx := range footerHeights {
footerHeights[idx] = 1
for idx, element := range elements {
// a visible footer cannot take up the whole screen, default to 1.
// this eliminates the need to discover a default size based on all element requests
height := 0
if element.IsVisible() {
requestedHeight := element.RequestedSize(area.maxY)
if requestedHeight != nil {
height = *requestedHeight
} else {
height = 1
footerHeights[idx] = height
// restrict the available screen real estate
for _, height := range footerHeights {
area.maxY -= height
return area, footerHeights
func (lm *Manager) planAndLayoutColumns(g *gocui.Gui, area Area) (Area, error) {
// layout columns left to right
if elements, exists := lm.elements[LocationColumn]; exists {
widths := make([]int, len(elements))
for idx := range widths {
widths[idx] = -1
variableColumns := len(elements)
availableWidth := area.maxX + 1
// first pass: planout the column sizes based on the given requests
for idx, element := range elements {
if !element.IsVisible() {
widths[idx] = 0
requestedWidth := element.RequestedSize(availableWidth)
if requestedWidth != nil {
widths[idx] = *requestedWidth
availableWidth -= widths[idx]
// at least one column must have a variable width, force the last column to be variable if there are no
// variable columns
if variableColumns == 0 {
variableColumns = 1
widths[len(widths)-1] = -1
defaultWidth := availableWidth / variableColumns
// second pass: layout columns left to right (based off predetermined widths)
for idx, element := range elements {
// use the requested or default width
width := widths[idx]
if width == -1 {
width = defaultWidth
// layout the column within the allocated space
err := element.Layout(g, area.minX, area.minY, area.minX+width, area.maxY)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to layout '%s' column: %+v", element.Name(), err)
return area, err
// move left to right, scratching off real estate as it is taken
area.minX += width
return area, nil
func (lm *Manager) layoutFooters(g *gocui.Gui, area Area, footerHeights []int) error {
// layout footers top down (which is why the list is reversed). Top down is needed due to border overlap.
if elements, exists := lm.elements[LocationFooter]; exists {
for idx := len(elements) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
element := elements[idx]
height := footerHeights[idx]
var topY, bottomY, bottomPadding int
for oIdx := 0; oIdx <= idx; oIdx++ {
bottomPadding += footerHeights[oIdx]
topY = area.maxY - bottomPadding - height
// +1 for border
bottomY = topY + height + 1
// layout the footer within the allocated space
// note: since the headers and rows are inclusive counting from -1 (to account for a border) we must
// do the same vertically, thus a -1 is needed for a starting Y
err := element.Layout(g, area.minX, topY, area.maxX, bottomY)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to layout '%s' footer: %+v", element.Name(), err)
return err
return nil
func (lm *Manager) notifyLayoutChange() error {
for _, elements := range lm.elements {
for _, element := range elements {
err := element.OnLayoutChange()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (lm *Manager) Layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
curMaxX, curMaxY := g.Size()
return lm.layout(g, curMaxX, curMaxY)
// layout defines the definition of the window pane size and placement relations to one another. This
// is invoked at application start and whenever the screen dimensions change.
// A few things to note:
// 1. gocui has borders around all views (even if Frame=false). This means there are a lot of +1/-1 magic numbers
// needed (but there are comments!).
// 2. since there are borders, in order for it to appear as if there aren't any spaces for borders, the views must
// overlap. To prevent screen artifacts, all elements must be layedout from the top of the screen to the bottom.
func (lm *Manager) layout(g *gocui.Gui, curMaxX, curMaxY int) error {
var headerAreaChanged, footerAreaChanged, columnAreaChanged bool
// compare current screen size with the last known size at time of layout
area := Area{
minX: -1,
minY: -1,
maxX: curMaxX,
maxY: curMaxY,
var hasResized bool
if curMaxX != lm.lastX || curMaxY != lm.lastY {
hasResized = true
lm.lastX, lm.lastY = curMaxX, curMaxY
// pass 1: plan and layout elements
// headers...
area, err := lm.planAndLayoutHeaders(g, area)
if err != nil {
return err
if area != lm.lastHeaderArea {
headerAreaChanged = true
lm.lastHeaderArea = area
// plan footers... don't layout until all columns have been layedout. This is necessary since we must layout from
// top to bottom, but we need the real estate planned for the footers to determine the bottom of the columns.
var footerArea = area
area, footerHeights := lm.planFooters(g, area)
if area != lm.lastFooterArea {
footerAreaChanged = true
lm.lastFooterArea = area
// columns...
area, err = lm.planAndLayoutColumns(g, area)
if err != nil {
return nil
if area != lm.lastColumnArea {
columnAreaChanged = true
lm.lastColumnArea = area
// footers... layout according to the original available area and planned heights
err = lm.layoutFooters(g, footerArea, footerHeights)
if err != nil {
return nil
// pass 2: notify everyone of a layout change (allow to update and render)
// note: this may mean that each element will update and rerender, which may cause a secondary layout call.
// the conditions which we notify elements of layout changes must be very selective!
if hasResized || headerAreaChanged || footerAreaChanged || columnAreaChanged {
return lm.notifyLayoutChange()
return nil