# Branches, versions and releases — complete guideline ## Branches The project has two main branches: `master` and `next`. Branch `master` contains the latest stable version of the editor. The latest version published to NPM available by default or by the tag `latest`. Branch `next` used for development the next (release candidate) version of the editor. It may contain bug fixes, improvements or features. This version is available in NPM by `next` tag. ## Versions We use [semantic versioning](https://semver.org) as a main guide for naming updates. `..` You need to bump the part of version according the changes: - `patch` — for bug fixes, docs updates, code style fixes and other changes which do not affect the result project bundle - `minor` — for new features with no backward compatibility problems. - `major` — for breaking changes without backward compatibility with the api of the previous version of the project. Pre-release versions may contain additional `-rc.*` suffix. ## Release publishing Drafts for new releases are created automatically via [create-a-release-draft.yml](.github/workflows/create-a-release-draft.yml) workflow when pull request to `next` branch was merged with an updated version in the package.json file. There is a [workflow](.github/workflows/publish-package-to-npm.yml) that fired on a new release publishing on GitHub. Use target version changelog as a description. ![](assets/57267bab-f2f0-411b-a9d1-69abee6abab5.jpg) Then you can publish the release and wait for package publishing via action. This package version will be published to NPM with default `latest` tag. ### Release candidate publishing If you want to publish release candidate version, use suffix `-rc.*` for package version in package.json file and in tag on releases page. Workflow will detect it and mark a release as "pre-release". ![](assets/796de9eb-bbe0-485c-bc8f-9a4cb76641b7.jpg) This package version will be published to NPM with `next` tag. Stable version: `2.19.0` Release candidate: `2.19.1-rc.0`, `2.19.1-rc.1`, ... Next version: `2.19.1` ## Auto-bump version After each PR merge to the `next` branch [bump-version-on-merge-next.yml](.github/workflows/bump-version-on-merge-next.yml) workflow will check if a package version was updated. If there is no update then it will open a new PR with a next prerelease version. ### How it works The command for bumping a version will be running in a workflow. `yarn version --prerelease --preid rc --no-git-tag-version` Prerelease version will be bumped or a new prerelease patch will be created: - `2.19.1` -> `2.19.2-rc.0` - `2.19.2-rc.0` -> `2.19.2-rc.1` ### Change version You can edit version (and PR name of course) if you need to publish not a pre-release version or any other. If the next update is planned to raise the minor version (`2.19.1` -> `2.20.0`), then change it before version update merge. - `2.19.1` will be bumped to `2.19.2-rc.0` be default, change `2.19.2-rc.0` to `2.20.0-rc.0` ### Ignore update If you do not need to upgrade and publish the update with the merged pull request (docs update or any other non-important changes), you can close the pull request generated by the workflow. ## Example pipeline Let's imagine that package version is `2.19.0` and you want to add some bug fixes and publish an update as `2.19.1`. 1. Merge a single update or a few pulls with fixes to the default branch `next`. 2. Workflow [bump-version-on-merge-next.yml](.github/workflows/bump-version-on-merge-next.yml) will bump the version up to `2.19.1-rc.0` in the package.json and open a new pull request. 3. After bump version PR merge, the workflow [create-a-release-draft.yml](.github/workflows/create-a-release-draft.yml) will automatically create a draft release on GitHub. 4. Check this new draft release on the releases page. Check tag `v2.19.1-rc.0` and notice "This is pre-release" checkbox if it should be for a release candidate versions. Then publish that release. 5. [Workflow](.github/workflows/publish-package-to-npm.yml) will automatically push the package to NPM with tag `next`. 6. When you ready to publish a release, remove suffix from version name in package.json (`2.19.1-rc.0` -> `v2.19.1`) in pull request from workflow [bump-version-on-merge-next.yml](.github/workflows/bump-version-on-merge-next.yml). Follow steps 3-5 with workflows and publish a new version as `latest` update. 7. Merge branch `next` to `master` and save sources for history.