# Installation Guide There are few steps to run Editor.js on your site. 1. [Load Editor's core](#load-editors-core) 2. [Load Tools](#load-tools) 3. [Initialize Editor's instance](#create-editor-instance) ## Load Editor's core Firstly you need to get Editor.js itself. It is a [minified script](../dist/editor.js) with minimal available Choose the most usable method of getting Editor for you. - Node package - Source from CDN - Local file from project ### Node.js Install the package via NPM or Yarn ```shell npm i @editorjs/editorjs ``` Include module at your application ```javascript const EditorJS = require('@editorjs/editorjs'); ``` ### Use from CDN You can load specific version of package from [jsDelivr CDN](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/@editorjs/editorjs). `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@editorjs/editorjs@2.10.0` Then require this script. ```html ``` ### Save sources to project Copy [editor.js](../dist/editor.js) file to your project and load it. ```html ``` ## Load Tools Each Block at the Editor.js represented by [Tools](tools.md). There are simple external scripts with own logic. Probably you want to use several Block Tools that should be connected. For example check out our [Header](https://github.com/editor-js/header) Tool that represents heading blocks. You can install Header Tool via the same ways as an Editor (Node.js, CDN, local file). Check [Editor.js's community](https://github.com/editor-js/) to see Tools examples. **Example:** use Header from CDN ```html ``` ## Create Editor instance Create an instance of Editor.js and pass [Configuration Object](../src/types-internal/editor-config.ts). Minimal params is a `holderId`, `tools` list and `initialBlock` marker. ```html
``` You can create a simple Editor only with a default Paragraph Tool by passing a string with element's Id (wrapper for Editor) as a configuration param or use default `editorjs`. ```javascript var editor = new EditorJS(); /** Zero-configuration */ // equals var editor = new EditorJS('editorjs'); ```` Or pass a whole settings object. ```javascript var editor = new EditorJS({ /** * Create a holder for the Editor and pass its ID */ holderId : 'editorjs', /** * Available Tools list. * Pass Tool's class or Settings object for each Tool you want to use */ tools: { header: { class: Header, inlineToolbar : true }, // ... }, /** * Previously saved data that should be rendered */ data: {} }); ``` ## Ready callback Editor.js needs a bit time to initialize. It is an asynchronous action so it won't block execution of your main script. If you need to know when editor instance is ready you can use one of following ways: ##### Pass `onReady` property to the configuration object. It must be a function: ```javascript var editor = new EditorJS({ // Other configuration properties /** * onReady callback */ onReady: () => {console.log('Editor.js is ready to work!')} }); ``` #### Use `isReady` promise. After you create new `EditorJS` object it contains `isReady` property. It is a Promise object resolved when editor is ready to work and rejected otherwise. If there is an error during initialization `isReady` promise will be rejected with error message. ```javascript var editor = new EditorJS(); editor.isReady .then(() => { /** Do anything you need after editor initialization */ }) .catch((reason) => { console.log(`Editor.js initialization failed because of ${reason}`) }); ``` You can use `async/await` to keep your code looking synchronous: ```javascript var editor = new EditorJS(); try { await editor.isReady; /** Do anything you need after editor initialization */ } catch (reason) { console.log(`Editor.js initialization failed because of ${reason}`) } ``` ## Saving Data Call `editor.saver.save()` and handle returned Promise with saved data. ```javascript editor.saver.save() .then((savedData) => { console.log(savedData); }); ``` ## Features Also Editor.js provides useful methods to work with Editor's state. ```javascript var editor = new EditorJS({ // Other configuration properties /** * onReady callback */ onReady: () => {console.log('Editor.js is ready to work!')}, /** * onChange callback */ onChange: () => {console.log('Now I know that Editor\'s content changed!')} }); ``` ## Example Take a look at the [example.html](../example/example.html) to view more detailed examples.