import { PopoverDesktop as Popover } from '../../../../src/components/utils/popover'; import { PopoverItemParams } from '../../../../types'; import { TunesMenuConfig } from '../../../../types/tools'; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */ describe('Popover', () => { it('should support confirmation chains', () => { const actionIcon = 'Icon 1'; const actionTitle = 'Action'; const confirmActionIcon = 'Icon 2'; const confirmActionTitle = 'Confirm action'; /** * Confirmation is moved to separate variable to be able to test it's callback execution. * (Inside popover null value is set to confirmation property, so, object becomes unavailable otherwise) */ const confirmation: PopoverItemParams = { type: 'default', icon: confirmActionIcon, title: confirmActionTitle, onActivate: cy.stub(), }; const items: PopoverItemParams[] = [ { type: 'default', icon: actionIcon, title: actionTitle, name: 'testItem', confirmation, }, ]; const popover = new Popover({ items, }); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .get('.ce-popover-item__icon') .should('have.text', actionIcon); cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .get('.ce-popover-item__title') .should('have.text', actionTitle); // First click on item cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]').click(); // Check icon has changed cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .get('.ce-popover-item__icon') .should('have.text', confirmActionIcon); // Check label has changed cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .get('.ce-popover-item__title') .should('have.text', confirmActionTitle); // Second click cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .click() .then(() => { // Check onActivate callback has been called expect(confirmation.onActivate).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); }); }); it('should render the items with true isActive property value as active', () => { const items = [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', isActive: true, name: 'testItem', onActivate: (): void => {}, }, ]; const popover = new Popover({ items, }); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); /* Check item has active class */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .should('have.class', 'ce-popover-item--active'); }); }); it('should not execute item\'s onActivate callback if the item is disabled', () => { const items: PopoverItemParams[] = [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', isDisabled: true, name: 'testItem', onActivate: cy.stub(), }, ]; const popover = new Popover({ items, }); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); /* Check item has disabled class */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .should('have.class', 'ce-popover-item--disabled') .click() .then(() => { if (items[0].type !== 'default') { return; } // Check onActivate callback has never been called expect(items[0].onActivate).to.have.not.been.called; }); }); }); it('should close once item with closeOnActivate property set to true is activated', () => { const items = [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', closeOnActivate: true, name: 'testItem', onActivate: (): void => {}, }, ]; const popover = new Popover({ items, }); cy.spy(popover, 'hide'); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .click() .then(() => { expect(popover.hide).to.have.been.called; }); }); }); it('should highlight as active the item with toggle property set to true once activated', () => { const items = [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', toggle: true, name: 'testItem', onActivate: (): void => {}, }, ]; const popover = new Popover({ items, }); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); /* Check item has active class */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .click() .should('have.class', 'ce-popover-item--active'); }); }); it('should perform radiobutton-like behavior among the items that have toggle property value set to the same string value', () => { const items = [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon 1', title: 'Title 1', toggle: 'group-name', name: 'testItem1', isActive: true, onActivate: (): void => {}, }, { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon 2', title: 'Title 2', toggle: 'group-name', name: 'testItem2', onActivate: (): void => {}, }, ]; const popover = new Popover({ items, }); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); /** Check first item is active */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem1]') .should('have.class', 'ce-popover-item--active'); /** Check second item is not active */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem2]') .should('not.have.class', 'ce-popover-item--active'); /* Click second item and check it became active */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem2]') .click() .should('have.class', 'ce-popover-item--active'); /** Check first item became not active */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem1]') .should('not.have.class', 'ce-popover-item--active'); }); }); it('should toggle item if it is the only item in toggle group', () => { const items = [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', toggle: 'key', name: 'testItem', onActivate: (): void => {}, }, ]; const popover = new Popover({ items, }); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); /* Check item has active class */ cy.get('[data-item-name=testItem]') .click() .should('have.class', 'ce-popover-item--active'); }); }); it('should render custom html content', () => { const customHtml = document.createElement('div'); customHtml.setAttribute('data-cy-name', 'customContent'); customHtml.innerText = 'custom html content'; const popover = new Popover({ customContent: customHtml, items: [], }); cy.document().then(doc => { doc.body.append(popover.getElement()); /* Check custom content exists in the popover */ cy.get('[data-cy-name=customContent]'); }); }); it('should display nested popover (desktop)', () => { /** Tool class to test how it is displayed inside block tunes popover */ class TestTune { public static isTune = true; /** Tool data displayed in block tunes popover */ public render(): TunesMenuConfig { return { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', toggle: 'key', name: 'test-item', children: { items: [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', name: 'nested-test-item', }, ], }, }; } } /** Create editor instance */ cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTune, }, tunes: [ 'testTool' ], data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Hello', }, }, ], }, }); /** Open block tunes menu */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.cdx-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); /** Check item with children has arrow icon */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-item-name="test-item"]') .get('.ce-popover-item__icon--chevron-right') .should('be.visible'); /** Click the item */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-item-name="test-item"]') .click(); /** Check nested popover opened */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover--nested .ce-popover__container') .should('be.visible'); /** Check child item displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover--nested .ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="nested-test-item"]') .should('be.visible'); }); it('should display children items, back button and item header and correctly switch between parent and child states (mobile)', () => { /** Tool class to test how it is displayed inside block tunes popover */ class TestTune { public static isTune = true; /** Tool data displayed in block tunes popover */ public render(): TunesMenuConfig { return { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Tune', toggle: 'key', name: 'test-item', children: { items: [ { type: 'default', icon: 'Icon', title: 'Title', name: 'nested-test-item', }, ], }, }; } } cy.viewport('iphone-6+'); /** Create editor instance */ cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTune, }, tunes: [ 'testTool' ], data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Hello', }, }, ], }, }); /** Open block tunes menu */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.cdx-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); /** Check item with children has arrow icon */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-item-name="test-item"]') .get('.ce-popover-item__icon--chevron-right') .should('be.visible'); /** Click the item */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-item-name="test-item"]') .click(); /** Check child item displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="nested-test-item"]') .should('be.visible'); /** Check header displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover-header') .should('have.text', 'Tune'); /** Check back button displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('.ce-popover-header__back-button') .should('be.visible'); /** Click back button */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('.ce-popover-header__back-button') .click(); /** Check child item is not displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="nested-test-item"]') .should('not.exist'); /** Check back button is not displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('.ce-popover-header__back-button') .should('not.exist'); /** Check header is not displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover-header') .should('not.exist'); }); it('should display default (non-separator) items without specifying type: default', () => { /** Tool class to test how it is displayed inside block tunes popover */ class TestTune { public static isTune = true; /** Tool data displayed in block tunes popover */ public render(): TunesMenuConfig { return { // @ts-expect-error type is not specified on purpose to test the back compatibility onActivate: (): void => {}, icon: 'Icon', title: 'Tune', toggle: 'key', name: 'test-item', }; } } /** Create editor instance */ cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTune, }, tunes: [ 'testTool' ], data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Hello', }, }, ], }, }); /** Open block tunes menu */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.cdx-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); /** Check item displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item"]') .should('be.visible'); }); it('should display separator', () => { /** Tool class to test how it is displayed inside block tunes popover */ class TestTune { public static isTune = true; /** Tool data displayed in block tunes popover */ public render(): TunesMenuConfig { return [ { type: 'default', onActivate: (): void => {}, icon: 'Icon', title: 'Tune', toggle: 'key', name: 'test-item', }, { type: 'separator', }, ]; } } /** Create editor instance */ cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTune, }, tunes: [ 'testTool' ], data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Hello', }, }, ], }, }); /** Open block tunes menu */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.cdx-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); /** Check item displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item"]') .should('be.visible'); /** Check separator displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('.ce-popover-item-separator') .should('be.visible'); }); it('should perform keyboard navigation between items ignoring separators', () => { /** Tool class to test how it is displayed inside block tunes popover */ class TestTune { public static isTune = true; /** Tool data displayed in block tunes popover */ public render(): TunesMenuConfig { return [ { type: 'default', onActivate: (): void => {}, icon: 'Icon', title: 'Tune 1', name: 'test-item-1', }, { type: 'separator', }, { type: 'default', onActivate: (): void => {}, icon: 'Icon', title: 'Tune 2', name: 'test-item-2', }, ]; } } /** Create editor instance */ cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTune, }, tunes: [ 'testTool' ], data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Hello', }, }, ], }, }); /** Open block tunes menu */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.cdx-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); /** Press Tab */; /** Check first item is focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-1"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('exist'); /** Check second item is not focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-2"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('not.exist'); /** Press Tab */; /** Check first item is not focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-1"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('not.exist'); /** Check second item is focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-2"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('exist'); }); it('should perform keyboard navigation between items ignoring separators when search query is applied', () => { /** Tool class to test how it is displayed inside block tunes popover */ class TestTune { public static isTune = true; /** Tool data displayed in block tunes popover */ public render(): TunesMenuConfig { return [ { type: 'default', onActivate: (): void => {}, icon: 'Icon', title: 'Tune 1', name: 'test-item-1', }, { type: 'separator', }, { type: 'default', onActivate: (): void => {}, icon: 'Icon', title: 'Tune 2', name: 'test-item-2', }, ]; } } /** Create editor instance */ cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTune, }, tunes: [ 'testTool' ], data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Hello', }, }, ], }, }); /** Open block tunes menu */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.cdx-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); /** Check separator displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('.ce-popover-item-separator') .should('be.visible'); /** Enter search query */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-cy=block-tunes] .cdx-search-field__input') .type('Tune'); /** Check separator not displayed */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('.ce-popover-item-separator') .should(''); /** Press Tab */ // eslint-disable-next-line cypress/require-data-selectors -- not working here cy.get('body').tab(); /** Check first item is focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-1"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('exist'); /** Check second item is not focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-2"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('not.exist'); /** Press Tab */ // eslint-disable-next-line cypress/require-data-selectors -- not working here cy.get('body').tab(); /** Check first item is not focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-1"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('not.exist'); /** Check second item is focused */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover__container') .get('[data-item-name="test-item-2"].ce-popover-item--focused') .should('exist'); }); });