Peter Savchenko 2197282cbb
eslint fix
2022-05-18 19:10:47 +03:00

381 lines
11 KiB

import Module from '../../__module';
import $ from '../../dom';
import * as _ from '../../utils';
import { SavedData } from '../../../../types/data-formats';
import Flipper from '../../flipper';
import I18n from '../../i18n';
import { I18nInternalNS } from '../../i18n/namespace-internal';
import { clean } from '../../utils/sanitizer';
import { ToolboxConfig, BlockToolData } from '../../../../types';
* HTML Elements used for ConversionToolbar
interface ConversionToolbarNodes {
wrapper: HTMLElement;
tools: HTMLElement;
* Block Converter
* @todo Make the Conversion Toolbar no-module but a standalone class, like Toolbox
export default class ConversionToolbar extends Module<ConversionToolbarNodes> {
* CSS getter
public static get CSS(): { [key: string]: string } {
return {
conversionToolbarWrapper: 'ce-conversion-toolbar',
conversionToolbarShowed: 'ce-conversion-toolbar--showed',
conversionToolbarTools: 'ce-conversion-toolbar__tools',
conversionToolbarLabel: 'ce-conversion-toolbar__label',
conversionTool: 'ce-conversion-tool',
conversionToolHidden: 'ce-conversion-tool--hidden',
conversionToolIcon: 'ce-conversion-tool__icon',
conversionToolFocused: 'ce-conversion-tool--focused',
conversionToolActive: 'ce-conversion-tool--active',
* Conversion Toolbar open/close state
* @type {boolean}
public opened = false;
* Available tools data
private tools: {name: string; toolboxItem: ToolboxConfig; button: HTMLElement}[] = []
* Instance of class that responses for leafing buttons by arrows/tab
* @type {Flipper|null}
private flipper: Flipper = null;
* Callback that fill be fired on open/close and accepts an opening state
private togglingCallback = null;
* Create UI of Conversion Toolbar
public make(): HTMLElement {
this.nodes.wrapper = $.make('div', [
...(this.isRtl ? [ this.Editor.UI.CSS.editorRtlFix ] : []),
this.nodes.tools = $.make('div', ConversionToolbar.CSS.conversionToolbarTools);
const label = $.make('div', ConversionToolbar.CSS.conversionToolbarLabel, {
textContent: I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.inlineToolbar.converter, 'Convert to'),
* Add Tools that has 'import' method
* Prepare Flipper to be able to leaf tools by arrows/tab
$.append(this.nodes.wrapper, label);
$.append(this.nodes.wrapper, this.nodes.tools);
return this.nodes.wrapper;
* Deactivates flipper and removes all nodes
public destroy(): void {
* Sometimes (in read-only mode) there is no Flipper
if (this.flipper) {
this.flipper = null;
* Toggle conversion dropdown visibility
* @param {Function} [togglingCallback] — callback that will accept opening state
public toggle(togglingCallback?: (openedState: boolean) => void): void {
if (!this.opened) {
} else {
if (_.isFunction(togglingCallback)) {
this.togglingCallback = togglingCallback;
* Shows Conversion Toolbar
public open(): void {
this.opened = true;
* We use RAF to prevent bubbling Enter keydown on first dropdown item
* Conversion flipper will be activated after dropdown will open
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.flipper.activate(this.tools.map(tool => tool.button).filter((button) => {
return !button.classList.contains(ConversionToolbar.CSS.conversionToolHidden);
if (_.isFunction(this.togglingCallback)) {
* Closes Conversion Toolbar
public close(): void {
this.opened = false;
if (_.isFunction(this.togglingCallback)) {
* Returns true if it has more than one tool available for convert in
public hasTools(): boolean {
return !(this.tools.length === 1 && this.tools[0].name === this.config.defaultBlock);
* Replaces one Block with another
* For that Tools must provide import/export methods
* @param {string} replacingToolName - name of Tool which replaces current
* @param blockDataOverrides - Block data overrides. Could be passed in case if Multiple Toolbox items specified
public async replaceWithBlock(replacingToolName: string, blockDataOverrides?: BlockToolData): Promise<void> {
* At first, we get current Block data
* @type {BlockToolConstructable}
const currentBlockTool = this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock.tool;
const savedBlock = await this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock.save() as SavedData;
const blockData = savedBlock.data;
* Getting a class of replacing Tool
* @type {BlockToolConstructable}
const replacingTool = this.Editor.Tools.blockTools.get(replacingToolName);
* Export property can be:
* 1) Function — Tool defines which data to return
* 2) String — the name of saved property
* In both cases returning value must be a string
let exportData = '';
const exportProp = currentBlockTool.conversionConfig.export;
if (_.isFunction(exportProp)) {
exportData = exportProp(blockData);
} else if (_.isString(exportProp)) {
exportData = blockData[exportProp];
} else {
_.log('Conversion «export» property must be a string or function. ' +
'String means key of saved data object to export. Function should export processed string to export.');
* Clean exported data with replacing sanitizer config
const cleaned: string = clean(
* «import» property can be Function or String
* function — accept imported string and compose tool data object
* string — the name of data field to import
let newBlockData = {};
const importProp = replacingTool.conversionConfig.import;
if (_.isFunction(importProp)) {
newBlockData = importProp(cleaned);
} else if (_.isString(importProp)) {
newBlockData[importProp] = cleaned;
} else {
_.log('Conversion «import» property must be a string or function. ' +
'String means key of tool data to import. Function accepts a imported string and return composed tool data.');
* If this conversion fired by the one of multiple Toolbox items,
* extend converted data with this item's "data" overrides
if (blockDataOverrides) {
newBlockData = Object.assign(newBlockData, blockDataOverrides);
tool: replacingToolName,
data: newBlockData,
_.delay(() => {
}, 10)();
* Iterates existing Tools and inserts to the ConversionToolbar
* if tools have ability to import
private addTools(): void {
const tools = this.Editor.Tools.blockTools;
.forEach(([name, tool]) => {
const conversionConfig = tool.conversionConfig;
* Skip tools without «import» rule specified
if (!conversionConfig || !conversionConfig.import) {
if (Array.isArray(tool.toolbox)) {
tool.toolbox.forEach((toolboxItem) =>
this.addToolIfValid(name, toolboxItem)
} else {
this.addToolIfValid(name, tool.toolbox);
* Inserts a tool to the ConversionToolbar if the tool's toolbox config is valid
* @param name - tool's name
* @param toolboxSettings - tool's single toolbox setting
private addToolIfValid(name: string, toolboxSettings: ToolboxConfig): void {
* Skip tools that don't pass 'toolbox' property
if (_.isEmpty(toolboxSettings) || !toolboxSettings.icon) {
this.addTool(name, toolboxSettings);
* Add tool to the Conversion Toolbar
* @param toolName - name of Tool to add
* @param toolboxItem - tool's toolbox item data
private addTool(toolName: string, toolboxItem: ToolboxConfig): void {
const tool = $.make('div', [ ConversionToolbar.CSS.conversionTool ]);
const icon = $.make('div', [ ConversionToolbar.CSS.conversionToolIcon ]);
tool.dataset.tool = toolName;
icon.innerHTML = toolboxItem.icon;
$.append(tool, icon);
$.append(tool, $.text(I18n.t(I18nInternalNS.toolNames, toolboxItem.title || _.capitalize(toolName))));
$.append(this.nodes.tools, tool);
name: toolName,
button: tool,
toolboxItem: toolboxItem,
this.listeners.on(tool, 'click', async () => {
await this.replaceWithBlock(toolName, toolboxItem.data);
* Hide current Tool and show others
private async filterTools(): Promise<void> {
const { currentBlock } = this.Editor.BlockManager;
const currentBlockActiveToolboxEntry = await currentBlock.getActiveToolboxEntry();
* Compares two Toolbox entries
* @param entry1 - entry to compare
* @param entry2 - entry to compare with
function isTheSameToolboxEntry(entry1, entry2): boolean {
return entry1.icon === entry2.icon && entry1.title === entry2.title;
this.tools.forEach(tool => {
let hidden = false;
if (currentBlockActiveToolboxEntry) {
const isToolboxItemActive = isTheSameToolboxEntry(currentBlockActiveToolboxEntry, tool.toolboxItem);
hidden = (tool.button.dataset.tool === currentBlock.name && isToolboxItemActive);
tool.button.hidden = hidden;
tool.button.classList.toggle(ConversionToolbar.CSS.conversionToolHidden, hidden);
* Prepare Flipper to be able to leaf tools by arrows/tab
private enableFlipper(): void {
this.flipper = new Flipper({
focusedItemClass: ConversionToolbar.CSS.conversionToolFocused,