Peter Savchenko 5e8fe06dd6
fix: errors caused by events fired while editor is not initialized yet (#2532)
* fix(init): errors cause by events fired while editor is not initialized yet

* Update package.json
2023-11-08 22:35:52 +03:00

217 lines
5.6 KiB

import Module from '../../__module';
import $ from '../../dom';
import SelectionUtils from '../../selection';
import Block from '../../block';
import I18n from '../../i18n';
import { I18nInternalNS } from '../../i18n/namespace-internal';
import Flipper from '../../flipper';
import { TunesMenuConfigItem } from '../../../../types/tools';
import { resolveAliases } from '../../utils/resolve-aliases';
import Popover, { PopoverEvent } from '../../utils/popover';
* HTML Elements that used for BlockSettings
interface BlockSettingsNodes {
* Block Settings wrapper. Undefined when before "make" method called
wrapper: HTMLElement | undefined;
* Block Settings
* @todo Make Block Settings no-module but a standalone class, like Toolbox
export default class BlockSettings extends Module<BlockSettingsNodes> {
* Module Events
* @returns {{opened: string, closed: string}}
public get events(): { opened: string; closed: string } {
return {
opened: 'block-settings-opened',
closed: 'block-settings-closed',
* Block Settings CSS
public get CSS(): { [name: string]: string } {
return {
settings: 'ce-settings',
* Opened state
public opened = false;
* Getter for inner popover's flipper instance
* @todo remove once BlockSettings becomes standalone non-module class
public get flipper(): Flipper {
return this.popover?.flipper;
* Page selection utils
private selection: SelectionUtils = new SelectionUtils();
* Popover instance. There is a util for vertical lists.
private popover: Popover | undefined;
* Panel with block settings with 2 sections:
* - Tool's Settings
* - Default Settings [Move, Remove, etc]
public make(): void {
this.nodes.wrapper = $.make('div', [ this.CSS.settings ]);
* Destroys module
public destroy(): void {
* Open Block Settings pane
* @param targetBlock - near which Block we should open BlockSettings
public open(targetBlock: Block = this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock): void {
this.opened = true;
* If block settings contains any inputs, focus will be set there,
* so we need to save current selection to restore it after block settings is closed
* Highlight content of a Block we are working with
targetBlock.selected = true;
* Fill Tool's settings
const [tunesItems, customHtmlTunesContainer] = targetBlock.getTunes();
/** Tell to subscribers that block settings is opened */
this.popover = new Popover({
searchable: true,
items: tunesItems.map(tune => this.resolveTuneAliases(tune)),
customContent: customHtmlTunesContainer,
customContentFlippableItems: this.getControls(customHtmlTunesContainer),
scopeElement: this.Editor.API.methods.ui.nodes.redactor,
messages: {
nothingFound: I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.popover, 'Nothing found'),
search: I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.popover, 'Filter'),
this.popover.on(PopoverEvent.Close, this.onPopoverClose);
* Returns root block settings element
public getElement(): HTMLElement {
return this.nodes.wrapper;
* Close Block Settings pane
public close(): void {
this.opened = false;
* If selection is at editor on Block Settings closing,
* it means that caret placed at some editable element inside the Block Settings.
* Previously we have saved the selection, then open the Block Settings and set caret to the input
* So, we need to restore selection back to Block after closing the Block Settings
if (!SelectionUtils.isAtEditor) {
* Remove highlighted content of a Block we are working with
if (!this.Editor.CrossBlockSelection.isCrossBlockSelectionStarted && this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock) {
this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock.selected = false;
/** Tell to subscribers that block settings is closed */
if (this.popover) {
this.popover.off(PopoverEvent.Close, this.onPopoverClose);
this.popover = null;
* Handles popover close event
private onPopoverClose = (): void => {
* Returns list of buttons and inputs inside specified container
* @param container - container to query controls inside of
private getControls(container: HTMLElement): HTMLElement[] {
const { StylesAPI } = this.Editor;
/** Query buttons and inputs inside tunes html */
const controls = container.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(
`.${StylesAPI.classes.settingsButton}, ${$.allInputsSelector}`
return Array.from(controls);
* Resolves aliases in tunes menu items
* @param item - item with resolved aliases
private resolveTuneAliases(item: TunesMenuConfigItem): TunesMenuConfigItem {
const result = resolveAliases(item, { label: 'title' });
if (item.confirmation) {
result.confirmation = this.resolveTuneAliases(item.confirmation);
return result;