[http] # IP and port to listen on for HTTP requests. # Comment line to disable the listener. #listen = [app] # Set to "true" to install pprof debug handlers. # See "https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/pprof/" for further information. #debug = false # Comma separated list of trusted proxies (IPs or CIDR networks) that may set # the "X-Real-Ip" or "X-Forwarded-For" headers. If both are provided, the # "X-Real-Ip" header will take precedence (if valid). # Leave empty to allow loopback and local addresses. #trustedproxies = # ISO 3166 country this proxy is located at. This will be used by the signaling # servers to determine the closest proxy for publishers. #country = DE # Type of token configuration for signaling servers allowed to connect, see # below for details. Defaults to "static". # # Possible values: # - static: A mapping of token id -> public key is configured below. # - etcd: Token information are retrieved from an etcd cluster (see below). tokentype = static # The external hostname for remote streams. Leaving this empty will autodetect # and use the first public IP found on the available network interfaces. #hostname = # The token id to use when connecting remote stream. #token_id = server1 # The private key for the configured token id to use when connecting remote # streams. #token_key = privkey.pem # If set to "true", certificate validation of remote stream requests will be # skipped. This should only be enabled during development, e.g. to work with # self-signed certificates. #skipverify = false [bandwidth] # Target bandwidth limit for incoming streams (in megabits per second). # Set to 0 to disable the limit. If the limit is reached, the proxy notifies # the signaling servers that another proxy should be used for publishing if # possible. #incoming = 1024 # Target bandwidth limit for outgoing streams (in megabits per second). # Set to 0 to disable the limit. If the limit is reached, the proxy notifies # the signaling servers that another proxy should be used for subscribing if # possible. Note that this might require additional outgoing bandwidth for the # remote streams. #outgoing = 1024 [tokens] # For token type "static": Mapping of = of signaling # servers allowed to connect. #server1 = pubkey1.pem #server2 = pubkey2.pem # For token type "etcd": Format of key name to retrieve the public key from, # "%s" will be replaced with the token id. Multiple possible formats can be # comma-separated. #keyformat = /signaling/proxy/tokens/%s/public-key [mcu] # The type of the MCU to use. Currently only "janus" is supported. type = janus # The URL to the websocket endpoint of the MCU server. url = ws://localhost:8188/ # The maximum bitrate per publishing stream (in bits per second). # Defaults to 1 mbit/sec. #maxstreambitrate = 1048576 # The maximum bitrate per screensharing stream (in bits per second). # Default is 2 mbit/sec. #maxscreenbitrate = 2097152 [stats] # Comma-separated list of IP addresses that are allowed to access the stats # endpoint. Leave empty (or commented) to only allow access from "". #allowed_ips = [etcd] # Comma-separated list of static etcd endpoints to connect to. #endpoints =,, # Options to perform endpoint discovery through DNS SRV. # Only used if no endpoints are configured manually. #discoverysrv = example.com #discoveryservice = foo # Path to private key, client certificate and CA certificate if TLS # authentication should be used. #clientkey = /path/to/etcd-client.key #clientcert = /path/to/etcd-client.crt #cacert = /path/to/etcd-ca.crt