2024-05-29 12:00:00 +02:00

394 lines
9.8 KiB

package app
import (
const (
Info = 0
Flush = 1
type Request struct {
Request int
Flush PSF
type Response struct {
Err error
// Config Conf
Matches MatchesMap
Actions ActionsMap
func SendAndRetrieve(data Request) Response {
conn, err := net.Dial("unix", *SocketPath)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("Error opening connection to daemon:", err)
defer conn.Close()
err = gob.NewEncoder(conn).Encode(data)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("Can't send message:", err)
var response Response
err = gob.NewDecoder(conn).Decode(&response)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("Invalid answer from daemon:", err)
return response
type PatternStatus struct {
Matches int `json:"matches,omitempty"`
Actions map[string][]string `json:"actions,omitempty"`
type MapPatternStatus map[Match]*PatternStatus
type MapPatternStatusFlush MapPatternStatus
type ClientStatus map[string]map[string]MapPatternStatus
type ClientStatusFlush ClientStatus
func (mps MapPatternStatusFlush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
for _, v := range mps {
return json.Marshal(v)
return []byte(""), nil
func (csf ClientStatusFlush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
ret := make(map[string]map[string]MapPatternStatusFlush)
for k, v := range csf {
ret[k] = make(map[string]MapPatternStatusFlush)
for kk, vv := range v {
ret[k][kk] = MapPatternStatusFlush(vv)
return json.Marshal(ret)
func pfMatches(streamName string, filterName string, regexes map[string]*regexp.Regexp, match Match, filter *Filter) bool {
// Check stream and filter match
if streamName != "" && streamName != filter.Stream.Name {
return false
if filterName != "" && filterName != filter.Name {
return false
// Check that all user requested patterns are in this filter
var nbMatched int
var localMatches = match.Split()
// For each pattern of this filter
for i, pattern := range filter.Pattern {
// Check that this pattern has user requested name
if reg, ok := regexes[pattern.Name]; ok {
// Check that the PF.p[i] matches user requested pattern
if reg.MatchString(localMatches[i]) {
if len(regexes) != nbMatched {
return false
// All checks passed
return true
func addMatchToCS(cs ClientStatus, pf PF, times map[time.Time]struct{}) {
patterns, streamName, filterName := pf.P, pf.F.Stream.Name, pf.F.Name
if cs[streamName] == nil {
cs[streamName] = make(map[string]MapPatternStatus)
if cs[streamName][filterName] == nil {
cs[streamName][filterName] = make(MapPatternStatus)
cs[streamName][filterName][patterns] = &PatternStatus{len(times), nil}
func addActionToCS(cs ClientStatus, pa PA, times map[time.Time]struct{}) {
patterns, streamName, filterName, actionName := pa.P, pa.A.Filter.Stream.Name, pa.A.Filter.Name, pa.A.Name
if cs[streamName] == nil {
cs[streamName] = make(map[string]MapPatternStatus)
if cs[streamName][filterName] == nil {
cs[streamName][filterName] = make(MapPatternStatus)
if cs[streamName][filterName][patterns] == nil {
cs[streamName][filterName][patterns] = new(PatternStatus)
ps := cs[streamName][filterName][patterns]
if ps.Actions == nil {
ps.Actions = make(map[string][]string)
for then := range times {
ps.Actions[actionName] = append(ps.Actions[actionName], then.Format(time.DateTime))
func printClientStatus(cs ClientStatus, format string) {
var text []byte
var err error
if format == "json" {
text, err = json.MarshalIndent(cs, "", " ")
} else {
text, err = yaml.Marshal(cs)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("Failed to convert daemon binary response to text format:", err)
fmt.Println(strings.ReplaceAll(string(text), "\\0", " "))
func compileKVPatterns(kvpatterns []string) map[string]*regexp.Regexp {
var regexes map[string]*regexp.Regexp
regexes = make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp)
for _, p := range kvpatterns {
// p syntax already checked in Main
key, value, found := strings.Cut(p, "=")
if !found {
logger.Printf(logger.ERROR, "Bad argument: no `=` in %v", p)
logger.Fatalln("Patterns must be prefixed by their name (e.g. ip=")
if regexes[key] != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Bad argument: same pattern name provided multiple times: %v", key)
compiled, err := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf("^%v$", value))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Bad argument: Could not compile: `%v`: %v", value, err)
regexes[key] = compiled
return regexes
func ClientShow(format, stream, filter string, kvpatterns []string) {
response := SendAndRetrieve(Request{Info, PSF{}})
if response.Err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("Received error from daemon:", response.Err)
cs := make(ClientStatus)
var regexes map[string]*regexp.Regexp
if len(kvpatterns) != 0 {
regexes = compileKVPatterns(kvpatterns)
var found bool
// Painful data manipulation
for pf, times := range response.Matches {
// Check this PF is not empty
if len(times) == 0 {
if !pfMatches(stream, filter, regexes, pf.P, pf.F) {
addMatchToCS(cs, pf, times)
found = true
// Painful data manipulation
for pa, times := range response.Actions {
// Check this PF is not empty
if len(times) == 0 {
if !pfMatches(stream, filter, regexes, pa.P, pa.A.Filter) {
addActionToCS(cs, pa, times)
found = true
if !found {
logger.Println(logger.WARN, "No matching stream.filter items found. This does not mean it doesn't exist, maybe it just didn't receive any match.")
printClientStatus(cs, format)
// TODO : Show values we just flushed - for now we got no details :
* % ./reaction flush -l ssh.failedlogin login=".*t"
* ssh:
* failedlogin:
* actions:
* unban:
* - "2024-04-30 15:27:28"
* - "2024-04-30 15:27:28"
* - "2024-04-30 15:27:28"
* - "2024-04-30 15:27:28"
func ClientFlush(format, streamName, filterName string, patterns []string) {
requestedPatterns := compileKVPatterns(patterns)
// Remember which Filters are compatible with the query
filterCompatibility := make(map[SF]bool)
isCompatible := func(filter *Filter) bool {
sf := SF{filter.Stream.Name, filter.Name}
compatible, ok := filterCompatibility[sf]
// already tested
if ok {
return compatible
for k := range requestedPatterns {
if -1 == slices.IndexFunc(filter.Pattern, func(pattern *Pattern) bool {
return pattern.Name == k
}) {
filterCompatibility[sf] = false
return false
filterCompatibility[sf] = true
return true
// match functions
kvMatch := func(filter *Filter, filterPatterns []string) bool {
// For each user requested pattern
for k, v := range requestedPatterns {
// Find its index on the Filter.Pattern
for i, pattern := range filter.Pattern {
if k == pattern.Name {
// Test the match
if !v.MatchString(filterPatterns[i]) {
return false
return true
var found bool
fullMatch := func(filter *Filter, match Match) bool {
// Test if we limit by stream
if streamName == "" || filter.Stream.Name == streamName {
// Test if we limit by filter
if filterName == "" || filter.Name == filterName {
found = true
filterPatterns := match.Split()
return isCompatible(filter) && kvMatch(filter, filterPatterns)
return false
response := SendAndRetrieve(Request{Info, PSF{}})
if response.Err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("Received error from daemon:", response.Err)
commands := make([]PSF, 0)
cs := make(ClientStatus)
for pf, times := range response.Matches {
if fullMatch(pf.F, pf.P) {
commands = append(commands, PSF{pf.P, pf.F.Stream.Name, pf.F.Name})
addMatchToCS(cs, pf, times)
for pa, times := range response.Actions {
if fullMatch(pa.A.Filter, pa.P) {
commands = append(commands, PSF{pa.P, pa.A.Filter.Stream.Name, pa.A.Filter.Name})
addActionToCS(cs, pa, times)
if !found {
logger.Println(logger.WARN, "No matching stream.filter items found. This does not mean it doesn't exist, maybe it just didn't receive any match.")
for _, psf := range commands {
response := SendAndRetrieve(Request{Flush, psf})
if response.Err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("Received error from daemon:", response.Err)
printClientStatus(cs, format)
func TestRegex(confFilename, regex, line string) {
conf := parseConf(confFilename)
// Code close to app/startup.go
var usedPatterns []*Pattern
for _, pattern := range conf.Patterns {
if strings.Contains(regex, pattern.nameWithBraces) {
usedPatterns = append(usedPatterns, pattern)
regex = strings.Replace(regex, pattern.nameWithBraces, pattern.Regex, 1)
reg, err := regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("ERROR the specified regex is invalid: %v", err)
// Code close to app/daemon.go
match := func(line string) {
var ignored bool
if matches := reg.FindStringSubmatch(line); matches != nil {
if usedPatterns != nil {
var result []string
for _, p := range usedPatterns {
match := matches[reg.SubexpIndex(p.Name)]
result = append(result, match)
if !p.notAnIgnore(&match) {
ignored = true
if !ignored {
fmt.Printf("\033[32mmatching\033[0m %v: %v\n", WithBrackets(result), line)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\033[33mignore matching\033[0m %v: %v\n", WithBrackets(result), line)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\033[32mmatching\033[0m [%v]:\n", line)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\033[31mno match\033[0m: %v\n", line)
if line != "" {
} else {
logger.Println(logger.INFO, "no second argument: reading from stdin")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {