# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np class MysqlDataBaseManager: def __init__(self, connexion, config): self.conn = connexion self.config = config self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() def create_pictures_location_table(self, force = False): if force: self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `iss`.`pictures_location`;") self.cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `iss`.`pictures_location` ( `pictures_latitude` FLOAT(10, 6) NULL, `pictures_longitude` FLOAT(10, 6 ) NULL , `pictures_id` VARCHAR( 15 ) PRIMARY KEY , `pictures_timestamp` TIMESTAMP NULL , `pictures_location_text` TEXT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; """) def insert_row_pictures_location(self, array): sql_insert_template = "INSERT INTO `iss`.`pictures_location` (pictures_latitude, pictures_longitude, pictures_id, pictures_timestamp, pictures_location_text) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" self.cursor.executemany(sql_insert_template, array) self.conn.commit() return self.cursor.rowcount def create_pictures_embedding_table(self, force = False): if force: self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `iss`.`pictures_embedding`;") self.cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `iss`.`pictures_embedding` ( `pictures_id` VARCHAR( 15 ) , `pictures_x` FLOAT(8, 4), `pictures_y` FLOAT(8, 4), `label` INT NULL, `clustering_type` VARCHAR(15), `clustering_version` VARCHAR(5), `clustering_model_type` VARCHAR(15), `clustering_model_name` VARCHAR(15), UNIQUE KEY `unique_key` (`pictures_id`,`clustering_type`, `clustering_version`, `clustering_model_type`,`clustering_model_name`), KEY `index_key_1` (`pictures_id`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; """) def drop_embedding_partition(self, clustering_type, clustering_version, clustering_model_type, clustering_model_name): req = "DELETE FROM `iss`.`pictures_embedding` WHERE clustering_type = %s AND clustering_version = %s AND clustering_model_type = %s AND clustering_model_name = %s" self.cursor.execute(req, (clustering_type, clustering_version, clustering_model_type, clustering_model_name)) self.conn.commit() return self.cursor.rowcount def insert_row_pictures_embedding(self, array): sql_insert_template = "INSERT INTO `iss`.`pictures_embedding` (pictures_id, pictures_x, pictures_y, label, clustering_type, clustering_version, clustering_model_type, clustering_model_name) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" self.cursor.executemany(sql_insert_template, array) self.conn.commit() return self.cursor.rowcount def select_close_embedding(self, x, y, limit): sql_req = "SELECT pictures_id, SQRT(POWER(pictures_x - %s, 2) + POWER(pictures_y - %s, 2)) as distance FROM iss.pictures_embedding ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT %s" self.cursor.execute(sql_req, (float(np.round(x, 4)), float(np.round(y, 4)), limit)) return self.cursor.fetchall()