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declare module "kute.js/src/objects/supportedProperties" {
export default supportedProperties;
const supportedProperties: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/defaultValues" {
export default defaultValues;
const defaultValues: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/defaultOptions" {
export default defaultOptions;
namespace defaultOptions {
const duration: number;
const delay: number;
const easing: string;
const repeat: number;
const repeatDelay: number;
const yoyo: boolean;
const resetStart: boolean;
const offset: number;
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/prepareProperty" {
export default prepareProperty;
const prepareProperty: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/prepareStart" {
export default prepareStart;
const prepareStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/onStart" {
export default onStart;
const onStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/onComplete" {
export default onComplete;
const onComplete: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/crossCheck" {
export default crossCheck;
const crossCheck: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/linkProperty" {
export default linkProperty;
const linkProperty: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/util" {
export default Util;
const Util: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/interpolate" {
export default interpolate;
const interpolate: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/animation/animation" {
* Animation Class
* Registers components by populating KUTE.js objects and makes sure
* no duplicate component / property is allowed.
export default class Animation {
* @constructor
* @param {KUTE.fullComponent} Component
constructor(Component: KUTE.fullComponent);
declare module "kute.js/src/animation/animationBase" {
* Animation Base Class
* Registers components by populating KUTE.js objects and makes sure
* no duplicate component / property is allowed.
* This class only registers the minimal amount of component information
* required to enable components animation, which means value processing
* as well as `to()` and `allTo()` methods are not supported.
export default class AnimationBase {
* @class
* @param {KUTE.baseComponent} Component
constructor(Component: KUTE.baseComponent);
_: number;
declare module "kute.js/src/animation/animationDevelopment" {
* Animation Development Class
* Registers components by populating KUTE.js objects and makes sure
* no duplicate component / property is allowed.
* In addition to the default class, this one provides more component
* information to help you with custom component development.
export default class AnimationDevelopment extends Animation {
* @param {KUTE.fullComponent} args
constructor(Component: any);
import Animation from "kute.js/src/animation/animation";
declare module "kute.js/src/process/getStyleForProperty" {
* getStyleForProperty
* Returns the computed style property for element for .to() method.
* Used by for the `.to()` static method.
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string} propertyName
* @returns {string}
export default function getStyleForProperty(elem: Element, propertyName: string): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers" {
* Numbers Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start value
* @param {number} b end value
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {number} the interpolated number
export default function numbers(a: number, b: number, v: number): number;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension" {
export default trueDimension;
* trueDimension
* Returns the string value of a specific CSS property converted into a nice
* { v = value, u = unit } object.
* @param {string} dimValue the property string value
* @param {boolean | number} isAngle sets the utility to investigate angles
* @returns {{v: number, u: string}} the true {value, unit} tuple
function trueDimension(dimValue: string, isAngle: boolean | number): {
v: number;
u: string;
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/kute" {
export default KEC;
* The KUTE.js Execution Context
const KEC: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/backgroundPositionBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} prop the property name
export function onStartBgPos(prop: string): void;
export default BackgroundPositionBase;
namespace BackgroundPositionBase {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartBgPos as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/backgroundPosition" {
export default BackgroundPosition;
namespace BackgroundPosition {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: number[];
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { bgPositionFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueDimension };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace bgPositionFunctions {
export { getBgPos as prepareStart };
export { prepareBgPos as prepareProperty };
export { onStartBgPos as onStart };
import trueDimension from "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension";
* Returns the property computed style.
* @param {string} prop the property
* @returns {string} the property computed style
function getBgPos(prop: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {number[]} the property tween object
function prepareBgPos(_: string, value: string): number[];
import { onStartBgPos } from "kute.js/src/components/backgroundPositionBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/units" {
* Units Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start value
* @param {number} b end value
* @param {string} u unit
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated value + unit string
export default function units(a: number, b: number, u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/borderRadiusBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function radiusOnStartFn(tweenProp: string): void;
export default BorderRadiusBase;
namespace BorderRadiusBase {
const component: string;
const category: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { units };
namespace functions {
export { radiusOnStart as onStart };
import units from "kute.js/src/interpolation/units";
const radiusOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/borderRadius" {
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {string} the property computed style
export function getRadius(tweenProp: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {{v: number, u: string}} the property tween object
export function prepareRadius(_: any, value: string): {
v: number;
u: string;
export namespace radiusFunctions {
export { getRadius as prepareStart };
export { prepareRadius as prepareProperty };
export { radiusOnStart as onStart };
export default BorderRadius;
const radiusOnStart: {};
namespace BorderRadius {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { radiusProps as properties };
export { radiusValues as defaultValues };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { units };
export { radiusFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueDimension };
const radiusProps: string[];
const radiusValues: {};
import units from "kute.js/src/interpolation/units";
import trueDimension from "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/boxModelBase" {
* Sets the update function for the property.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function boxModelOnStart(tweenProp: string): void;
export default BoxModelBase;
namespace BoxModelBase {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { baseBoxProps as properties };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export namespace functions {
export { baseBoxOnStart as onStart };
const baseBoxProps: string[];
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
const baseBoxOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/boxModel" {
export default BoxModel;
namespace BoxModel {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { boxModelProperties as properties };
export { boxModelValues as defaultValues };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { boxModelFunctions as functions };
const boxModelProperties: string[];
const boxModelValues: {};
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace boxModelFunctions {
export { getBoxModel as prepareStart };
export { prepareBoxModel as prepareProperty };
export { boxPropsOnStart as onStart };
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {string} computed style for property
function getBoxModel(tweenProp: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {number} the property tween object
function prepareBoxModel(tweenProp: string, value: string): number;
const boxPropsOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/boxModelEssential" {
export default BoxModelEssential;
namespace BoxModelEssential {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { essentialBoxProps as properties };
export { essentialBoxPropsValues as defaultValues };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { essentialBoxModelFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueDimension };
const essentialBoxProps: string[];
namespace essentialBoxPropsValues {
const top: number;
const left: number;
const width: number;
const height: number;
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace essentialBoxModelFunctions {
export { getBoxModel as prepareStart };
export { prepareBoxModel as prepareProperty };
export { essentialBoxOnStart as onStart };
import trueDimension from "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension";
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {string} computed style for property
function getBoxModel(tweenProp: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @param {string} value the property name
* @returns {number} the property tween object
function prepareBoxModel(tweenProp: string, value: string): number;
const essentialBoxOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/clipPropertyBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartClip(tweenProp: string): void;
export default ClipPropertyBase;
namespace ClipPropertyBase {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartClip as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/clipProperty" {
export default ClipProperty;
namespace ClipProperty {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: number[];
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { clipFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueDimension };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace clipFunctions {
export { getClip as prepareStart };
export { prepareClip as prepareProperty };
export { onStartClip as onStart };
import trueDimension from "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension";
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {string | number[]} computed style for property
function getClip(tweenProp: string): string | number[];
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {number[]} the property tween object
function prepareClip(_: string, value: string): number[];
import { onStartClip } from "kute.js/src/components/clipPropertyBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/util/hexToRGB" {
export default hexToRGB;
* hexToRGB
* Converts a #HEX color format into RGB
* and returns a color object {r,g,b}.
* @param {string} hex the degree angle
* @returns {KUTE.colorObject | null} the radian angle
function hexToRGB(hex: string): KUTE.colorObject | null;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/trueColor" {
export default trueColor;
* trueColor
* Transform any color to rgba()/rgb() and return a nice RGB(a) object.
* @param {string} colorString the color input
* @returns {KUTE.colorObject} the {r,g,b,a} color object
function trueColor(colorString: string): KUTE.colorObject;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors" {
* Color Interpolation Function.
* @param {KUTE.colorObject} a start color
* @param {KUTE.colorObject} b end color
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the resulting color
export default function colors(a: KUTE.colorObject, b: KUTE.colorObject, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/colorPropertiesBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartColors(tweenProp: string): void;
export namespace baseColors {
const component: string;
const category: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
namespace functions {
export { colorsOnStart as onStart };
export default baseColors;
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
const colorsOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/colorProperties" {
export default colorProperties;
namespace colorProperties {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { supportedColors as properties };
export { defaultColors as defaultValues };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export { colorFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueColor };
const supportedColors: string[];
const defaultColors: {};
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
namespace colorFunctions {
export { getColor as prepareStart };
export { prepareColor as prepareProperty };
export { colorsOnStart as onStart };
import trueColor from "kute.js/src/util/trueColor";
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} prop the property name
* @returns {string} property computed style
function getColor(prop: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {KUTE.colorObject} the property tween object
function prepareColor(_: string, value: string): KUTE.colorObject;
const colorsOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/process/getInlineStyle" {
* getInlineStyle
* Returns the transform style for element from
* cssText. Used by for the `.to()` static method.
* @param {Element} el target element
* @returns {object}
export default function getInlineStyle(el: Element): object;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/getPrefix" {
export default getPrefix;
* getPrefix
* Returns browser CSS3 prefix. Keep `for()`
* for wider browser support.
* @returns {?string} the browser prefix
function getPrefix(): string | null;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/trueProperty" {
export default trueProperty;
* trueProperty
* Returns prefixed property name in a legacy browser
* or the regular name in modern browsers.
* @param {string} property the property name
* @returns {string} the right property name for every browser
function trueProperty(property: string): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/crossBrowserMove" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the `path` property
export function onStartComponent(tweenProp: string): void;
export namespace baseCrossBrowserMove {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartComponent as onStart };
export default crossBrowserMove;
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace crossBrowserMove {
const component_1: string;
export { component_1 as component };
const property_1: string;
export { property_1 as property };
export const defaultValue: number[];
export namespace Interpolate_1 {
export { numbers };
export { Interpolate_1 as Interpolate };
export { componentFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueProperty };
namespace componentFunctions {
export { getComponentCurrentValue as prepareStart };
export { prepareComponentValue as prepareProperty };
export { onStartComponent as onStart };
import trueProperty from "kute.js/src/util/trueProperty";
* Returns the property current style.
function getComponentCurrentValue(): number[];
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ property name
* @param {string} value property value
* @returns {number[]} the property tween object
function prepareComponentValue(_: string, value: string): number[];
declare module "kute.js/src/components/filterEffectsBase" {
* Sets the `drop-shadow` sub-property update function.
* * disimbiguation `dropshadow` interpolation function and `dropShadow` property
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function dropshadow(a: any, b: any, v: any): string;
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartFilter(tweenProp: string): void;
export default baseFilter;
namespace baseFilter {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers as opacity };
export { numbers as blur };
export { numbers as saturate };
export { numbers as grayscale };
export { numbers as brightness };
export { numbers as contrast };
export { numbers as sepia };
export { numbers as invert };
export { numbers as hueRotate };
export namespace dropShadow {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export { dropshadow };
namespace functions {
export { onStartFilter as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/filterEffects" {
export default filterEffects;
namespace filterEffects {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export namespace defaultValue {
const opacity: number;
const blur: number;
const saturate: number;
const grayscale: number;
const brightness: number;
const contrast: number;
const sepia: number;
const invert: number;
const hueRotate: number;
const dropShadow: (number | {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
const url: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers as opacity };
export { numbers as blur };
export { numbers as saturate };
export { numbers as grayscale };
export { numbers as brightness };
export { numbers as contrast };
export { numbers as sepia };
export { numbers as invert };
export { numbers as hueRotate };
export namespace dropShadow_1 {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export { dropshadow };
export { dropShadow_1 as dropShadow };
export { filterFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { parseDropShadow };
export { parseFilterString };
export { replaceDashNamespace };
export { trueColor };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
import { dropshadow } from "kute.js/src/components/filterEffectsBase";
namespace filterFunctions {
export { getFilter as prepareStart };
export { prepareFilter as prepareProperty };
export { onStartFilter as onStart };
export { crossCheckFilter as crossCheck };
* Returns `drop-shadow` sub-property object.
* @param {(string | number)[]} shadow and `Array` with `drop-shadow` parameters
* @returns {KUTE.filterList['dropShadow']} the expected `drop-shadow` values
function parseDropShadow(shadow: (string | number)[]): KUTE.filterList['dropShadow'];
* Returns an array with current filter sub-properties values.
* @param {string} currentStyle the current filter computed style
* @returns {{[x: string]: number}} the filter tuple
function parseFilterString(currentStyle: string): {
[x: string]: number;
* Returns camelCase filter sub-property.
* @param {string} str source string
* @returns {string} camelCase property name
function replaceDashNamespace(str: string): string;
import trueColor from "kute.js/src/util/trueColor";
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {string} computed style for property
function getFilter(tweenProp: string, value: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property name
* @returns {KUTE.filterList} the property tween object
function prepareFilter(_: string, value: string): KUTE.filterList;
import { onStartFilter } from "kute.js/src/components/filterEffectsBase";
* Adds missing sub-properties in `valuesEnd` from `valuesStart`.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function crossCheckFilter(tweenProp: string): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/htmlAttributesBase" {
export namespace onStartAttr {
* onStartAttr.attr
* Sets the sub-property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function attr(tweenProp: string): void;
* onStartAttr.attr
* Sets the sub-property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function attr(tweenProp: string): void;
* onStartAttr.attributes
* Sets the update function for the property.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function attributes(tweenProp: string): void;
* onStartAttr.attributes
* Sets the update function for the property.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function attributes(tweenProp: string): void;
export default baseAttributes;
export const attributes: {};
namespace baseAttributes {
export { ComponentName as component };
export const property: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export namespace functions {
export { onStartAttr as onStart };
const ComponentName: "baseHTMLAttributes";
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/htmlAttributes" {
* Returns the current attribute value.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {{[x:string]: string}} attribute value
export function getAttr(_: string, value: string): {
[x: string]: string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @param {string} attrObj the property value
* @returns {number} the property tween object
export function prepareAttr(tweenProp: string, attrObj: string): number;
export default htmlAttributes;
namespace htmlAttributes {
export { ComponentName as component };
export const property: string;
export const subProperties: string[];
export const defaultValue: {
fill: string;
stroke: string;
'stop-color': string;
opacity: number;
'stroke-opacity': number;
'fill-opacity': number;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export { attrFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { replaceUppercase };
export { trueColor };
export { trueDimension };
const ComponentName: "htmlAttributes";
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
namespace attrFunctions {
export { getAttr as prepareStart };
export { prepareAttr as prepareProperty };
export { onStartAttr as onStart };
* Returns non-camelcase property name.
* @param {string} a the camelcase property name
* @returns {string} the non-camelcase property name
function replaceUppercase(a: string): string;
import trueColor from "kute.js/src/util/trueColor";
import trueDimension from "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension";
import { onStartAttr } from "kute.js/src/components/htmlAttributesBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/opacityPropertyBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartOpacity(tweenProp: string): void;
export default OpacityPropertyBase;
namespace OpacityPropertyBase {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartOpacity as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/opacityProperty" {
export default OpacityProperty;
namespace OpacityProperty {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: number;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { opacityFunctions as functions };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace opacityFunctions {
export { getOpacity as prepareStart };
export { prepareOpacity as prepareProperty };
export { onStartOpacity as onStart };
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {string} computed style for property
function getOpacity(tweenProp: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {number} the property tween object
function prepareOpacity(_: string, value: string): number;
import { onStartOpacity } from "kute.js/src/components/opacityPropertyBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase" {
* Prevent further scroll events until scroll animation is over.
* @param {Event} e event object
export function preventScroll(e: Event): void;
* Returns the scroll element / target.
* @returns {{el: Element, st: Element}}
export function getScrollTargets(): {
el: Element;
st: Element;
* Toggles scroll prevention callback on scroll events.
* @param {string} action addEventListener / removeEventListener
* @param {Element} element target
export function toggleScrollEvents(action: string, element: Element): void;
* Action performed before scroll animation start.
export function scrollIn(): void;
* Action performed when scroll animation ends.
export function scrollOut(): void;
* * Sets the scroll target.
* * Adds the scroll prevention event listener.
* * Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartScroll(tweenProp: string): void;
export class onStartScroll {
* * Sets the scroll target.
* * Adds the scroll prevention event listener.
* * Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
constructor(tweenProp: string);
element: HTMLElement | undefined;
* Removes the scroll prevention event listener.
export function onCompleteScroll(): void;
export const scrollContainer: HTMLElement;
export default ScrollPropertyBase;
namespace ScrollPropertyBase {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartScroll as onStart };
export { onCompleteScroll as onComplete };
namespace Util {
export { preventScroll };
export { scrollIn };
export { scrollOut };
export { getScrollTargets };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/scrollProperty" {
export default ScrollProperty;
namespace ScrollProperty {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: number;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { scrollFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { preventScroll };
export { scrollIn };
export { scrollOut };
export { getScrollTargets };
export { toggleScrollEvents };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace scrollFunctions {
export { getScroll as prepareStart };
export { prepareScroll as prepareProperty };
export { onStartScroll as onStart };
export { onCompleteScroll as onComplete };
import { preventScroll } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
import { scrollIn } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
import { scrollOut } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
import { getScrollTargets } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
import { toggleScrollEvents } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @returns {number} computed style for property
function getScroll(): number;
class getScroll {
element: HTMLElement | undefined;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {number} the property tween object
function prepareScroll(_: string, value: string): number;
import { onStartScroll } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
import { onCompleteScroll } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/shadowPropertiesBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartShadow(tweenProp: string): void;
export default ShadowPropertiesBase;
namespace ShadowPropertiesBase {
const component: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
namespace functions {
export { shadowPropOnStart as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
const shadowPropOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/shadowProperties" {
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {string} computed style for property
export function getShadow(tweenProp: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @param {string} propValue the property value
* @returns {KUTE.shadowObject} the property tween object
export function prepareShadow(tweenProp: string, propValue: string): KUTE.shadowObject;
export default ShadowProperties;
namespace ShadowProperties {
export const component: string;
export { shadowProps as properties };
export namespace defaultValues {
const boxShadow: string;
const textShadow: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export { shadowFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { processShadowArray };
export { trueColor };
const shadowProps: string[];
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
namespace shadowFunctions {
export { getShadow as prepareStart };
export { prepareShadow as prepareProperty };
export { shadowPropOnStart as onStart };
* Return the box-shadow / text-shadow tween object.
* * box-shadow: none | h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color inset|initial|inherit
* * text-shadow: none | offset-x offset-y blur-radius color |initial|inherit
* * numbers must be floats and color must be rgb object
* @param {(number | string)[]} shadow an `Array` with shadow parameters
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {KUTE.shadowObject} the property tween object
function processShadowArray(shadow: (number | string)[], tweenProp: string): KUTE.shadowObject;
import trueColor from "kute.js/src/util/trueColor";
const shadowPropOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgCubicMorphBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the `path` property
export function onStartCubicMorph(tweenProp: string): void;
export default baseSvgCubicMorph;
namespace baseSvgCubicMorph {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { pathToString };
namespace functions {
export { onStartCubicMorph as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import pathToString from "svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToString";
declare module "kute.js/src/util/selector" {
* selector
* A selector utility for KUTE.js.
* @param {KUTE.selectorType} el target(s) or string selector
* @param {boolean | number} multi when true returns an array/collection of elements
* @returns {Element | Element[] | null}
export default function selector(el: KUTE.selectorType, multi: boolean | number): Element | Element[] | null;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgCubicMorph" {
export default svgCubicMorph;
namespace svgCubicMorph {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: never[];
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { pathToString };
export { svgCubicMorphFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { pathToCurve };
export { pathToAbsolute };
export { pathToString };
export { parsePathString };
export { getRotatedCurve };
export { getRotations };
export { equalizeSegments };
export { reverseCurve };
export { clonePath };
export { getDrawDirection };
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
export { segmentCubicFactory };
export { splitCubic };
export { splitPath };
export { fixPath };
export { getCurveArray };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import pathToString from "svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToString";
namespace svgCubicMorphFunctions {
export { getCubicMorph as prepareStart };
export { prepareCubicMorph as prepareProperty };
export { onStartCubicMorph as onStart };
export { crossCheckCubicMorph as crossCheck };
import pathToCurve from "svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToCurve";
import pathToAbsolute from "svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToAbsolute";
import parsePathString from "svg-path-commander/src/parser/parsePathString";
* Returns the `curveArray` rotation for the best morphing animation.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.curveArray} a the target `curveArray`
* @param {SVGPathCommander.curveArray} b the reference `curveArray`
* @returns {SVGPathCommander.curveArray} the best `a` rotation
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function getRotatedCurve(a: import("svg-path-commander").curveArray, b: import("svg-path-commander").curveArray): import("svg-path-commander").curveArray;
* Returns all possible path rotations for `curveArray`.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.curveArray} a the source `curveArray`
* @returns {SVGPathCommander.curveArray[]} all rotations for source
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function getRotations(a: import("svg-path-commander").curveArray): import("svg-path-commander").curveArray[];
* Returns two `curveArray` with same amount of segments.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.curveArray} path1 the first `curveArray`
* @param {SVGPathCommander.curveArray} path2 the second `curveArray`
* @param {number} TL the maximum `curveArray` length
* @returns {SVGPathCommander.curveArray[]} equalized segments
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function equalizeSegments(path1: import("svg-path-commander").curveArray, path2: import("svg-path-commander").curveArray, TL: number): import("svg-path-commander").curveArray[];
import reverseCurve from "svg-path-commander/src/process/reverseCurve";
import clonePath from "svg-path-commander/src/process/clonePath";
import getDrawDirection from "svg-path-commander/src/util/getDrawDirection";
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
import segmentCubicFactory from "svg-path-commander/src/util/segmentCubicFactory";
import splitCubic from "svg-path-commander/src/process/splitCubic";
import splitPath from "svg-path-commander/src/process/splitPath";
import fixPath from "svg-path-commander/src/process/fixPath";
* Returns first `pathArray` from multi-paths path.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.pathArray | string} source the source `pathArray` or string
* @returns {KUTE.curveSpecs[]} an `Array` with a custom tuple for `equalizeSegments`
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function getCurveArray(source: import("svg-path-commander").pathArray | string): KUTE.curveSpecs[];
* Returns the current `d` attribute value.
* @returns {string}
function getCubicMorph(): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @see KUTE.curveObject
* @param {string} _ is the `path` property name, not needed
* @param {string | KUTE.curveObject} value the `path` property value
* @returns {KUTE.curveObject}
function prepareCubicMorph(_: string, value: string | KUTE.curveObject): KUTE.curveObject;
import { onStartCubicMorph } from "kute.js/src/components/svgCubicMorphBase";
* Enables the `to()` method by preparing the tween object in advance.
* @param {string} tweenProp is `path` tween property, but it's not needed
function crossCheckCubicMorph(tweenProp: string): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgDrawBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartDraw(tweenProp: string): void;
export default SvgDrawBase;
namespace SvgDrawBase {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartDraw as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgDraw" {
export default SvgDrawProperty;
namespace SvgDrawProperty {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { svgDrawFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { getRectLength };
export { getPolyLength };
export { getLineLength };
export { getCircleLength };
export { getEllipseLength };
export { getTotalLength };
export { resetDraw };
export { getDraw };
export { percent };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace svgDrawFunctions {
export { getDrawValue as prepareStart };
export { prepareDraw as prepareProperty };
export { onStartDraw as onStart };
* Returns the `<rect>` length.
* It doesn't compute `rx` and / or `ry` of the element.
* @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/30376660
* @param {SVGRectElement} el target element
* @returns {number} the `<rect>` length
function getRectLength(el: SVGRectElement): number;
* Returns the `<polyline>` / `<polygon>` length.
* @param {SVGPolylineElement | SVGPolygonElement} el target element
* @returns {number} the element length
function getPolyLength(el: SVGPolylineElement | SVGPolygonElement): number;
* Returns the `<line>` length.
* @param {SVGLineElement} el target element
* @returns {number} the element length
function getLineLength(el: SVGLineElement): number;
* Returns the `<circle>` length.
* @param {SVGCircleElement} el target element
* @returns {number} the element length
function getCircleLength(el: SVGCircleElement): number;
* Returns the `<ellipse>` length.
* @param {SVGEllipseElement} el target element
* @returns {number} the element length
function getEllipseLength(el: SVGEllipseElement): number;
* Returns the shape length.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.shapeTypes} el target element
* @returns {number} the element length
function getTotalLength(el: SVGPathCommander.shapeTypes): number;
* Reset CSS properties associated with the `draw` property.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.shapeTypes} element target
function resetDraw(elem: any): void;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.shapeTypes} element the target element
* @param {string | KUTE.drawObject} value the property value
* @returns {KUTE.drawObject} the property tween object
function getDraw(element: SVGPathCommander.shapeTypes, value: string | KUTE.drawObject): KUTE.drawObject;
* Convert a `<path>` length percent value to absolute.
* @param {string} v raw value
* @param {number} l length value
* @returns {number} the absolute value
function percent(v: string, l: number): number;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @returns {KUTE.drawObject} the property tween object
function getDrawValue(): KUTE.drawObject;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string | KUTE.drawObject} value the property value
* @returns {KUTE.drawObject} the property tween object
function prepareDraw(_: string, value: string | KUTE.drawObject): KUTE.drawObject;
import { onStartDraw } from "kute.js/src/components/svgDrawBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/coords" {
* Coordinates Interpolation Function.
* @param {number[][]} a start coordinates
* @param {number[][]} b end coordinates
* @param {string} l amount of coordinates
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {number[][]} the interpolated coordinates
export default function coords(a: number[][], b: number[][], l: string, v: number): number[][];
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgMorphBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartSVGMorph(tweenProp: string): void;
export default SVGMorphBase;
namespace SVGMorphBase {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export { coords as Interpolate };
export namespace functions {
export { onStartSVGMorph as onStart };
import coords from "kute.js/src/interpolation/coords";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgMorph" {
export default SVGMorph;
namespace SVGMorph {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: never[];
export { coords as Interpolate };
export namespace defaultOptions {
const morphPrecision: number;
export { svgMorphFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { addPoints };
export { bisect };
export { getPolygon };
export { validPolygon };
export { getInterpolationPoints };
export { pathStringToPolygon };
export { distanceSquareRoot };
export { midPoint };
2021-12-10 08:01:35 +01:00
export { approximatePolygon };
export { rotatePolygon };
export { pathToString };
export { pathToCurve };
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
export { getTotalLength };
export { getPointAtLength };
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
export { polygonArea };
export { roundPath };
import coords from "kute.js/src/interpolation/coords";
namespace svgMorphFunctions {
export { getSVGMorph as prepareStart };
export { prepareSVGMorph as prepareProperty };
export { onStartSVGMorph as onStart };
export { crossCheckSVGMorph as crossCheck };
* Sample additional points for a polygon to better match its pair.
* @param {KUTE.polygonObject} polygon the target polygon
* @param {number} numPoints the amount of points needed
function addPoints(polygon: KUTE.polygonObject, numPoints: number): void;
* Split segments of a polygon until it reaches a certain
* amount of points.
* @param {number[][]} polygon the target polygon
* @param {number} maxSegmentLength the maximum amount of points
function bisect(polygon: number[][], maxSegmentLength?: number): void;
* Returns a new polygon and its length from string or another `Array`.
* @param {KUTE.polygonMorph | string} input the target polygon
* @param {number} maxSegmentLength the maximum amount of points
* @returns {KUTE.polygonMorph} normalized polygon
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function getPolygon(input: import("kute.js/types").polygonMorph | string, maxSegmentLength: number): import("kute.js/types").polygonMorph;
* Checks the validity of a polygon.
* @param {KUTE.polygonMorph} polygon the target polygon
* @returns {boolean} the result of the check
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function validPolygon(polygon: import("kute.js/types").polygonMorph): boolean;
* Returns two new polygons ready to tween.
* @param {string} path1 the first path string
* @param {string} path2 the second path string
* @param {number} precision the morphPrecision option value
* @returns {KUTE.polygonMorph[]} the two polygons
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function getInterpolationPoints(path1: string, path2: string, precision: number): import("kute.js/types").polygonMorph[];
* Parses a path string and returns a polygon array.
* @param {string} str path string
* @param {number} maxLength maximum amount of points
2021-12-10 08:01:35 +01:00
* @returns {KUTE.exactPolygon} the polygon array we need
2021-12-10 08:01:35 +01:00
function pathStringToPolygon(str: string, maxLength: number): KUTE.exactPolygon;
import distanceSquareRoot from "svg-path-commander/src/math/distanceSquareRoot";
import midPoint from "svg-path-commander/src/math/midPoint";
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
* Returns a new polygon polygon.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.pathArray} parsed target `pathArray`
* @param {number} maxLength the maximum segment length
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
* @returns {KUTE.exactPolygon} the resulted polygon
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function approximatePolygon(parsed: import("svg-path-commander").pathArray, maxLength: number): KUTE.exactPolygon;
* Rotates a polygon to better match its pair.
* @param {KUTE.polygonMorph} polygon the target polygon
* @param {KUTE.polygonMorph} vs the reference polygon
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function rotatePolygon(polygon: import("kute.js/types").polygonMorph, vs: import("kute.js/types").polygonMorph): void;
import pathToString from "svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToString";
import pathToCurve from "svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToCurve";
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
import getTotalLength from "svg-path-commander/src/util/getTotalLength";
import getPointAtLength from "svg-path-commander/src/util/getPointAtLength";
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
import polygonArea from "svg-path-commander/src/math/polygonArea";
import roundPath from "svg-path-commander/src/process/roundPath";
* Returns the current `d` attribute value.
* @returns {string} the `d` attribute value
function getSVGMorph(): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string | KUTE.polygonObject} value the property value
* @returns {KUTE.polygonObject} the property tween object
function prepareSVGMorph(_: string, value: string | KUTE.polygonObject): KUTE.polygonObject;
import { onStartSVGMorph } from "kute.js/src/components/svgMorphBase";
* Enables the `to()` method by preparing the tween object in advance.
* @param {string} prop the `path` property name
function crossCheckSVGMorph(prop: string): void;
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
* Returns an existing polygon or false if it's not a polygon.
* @param {SVGPathCommander.pathArray} pathArray target `pathArray`
* @returns {KUTE.exactPolygon | false} the resulted polygon
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
function exactPolygon(pathArray: import("svg-path-commander").pathArray): KUTE.exactPolygon | false;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgTransformBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function svgTransformOnStart(tweenProp: string): void;
export default baseSVGTransform;
namespace baseSVGTransform {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace defaultOptions {
const transformOrigin: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { svgTransformOnStart as onStart };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/svgTransform" {
export namespace svgTransformFunctions {
export { getStartSvgTransform as prepareStart };
export { prepareSvgTransform as prepareProperty };
export { svgTransformOnStart as onStart };
export { svgTransformCrossCheck as crossCheck };
export namespace svgTransform {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export namespace defaultOptions {
const transformOrigin: string;
export namespace defaultValue {
const translate: number;
const rotate: number;
const skewX: number;
const skewY: number;
const scale: number;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { svgTransformFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { parseStringOrigin };
export { parseTransformString };
export { parseTransformSVG };
export default svgTransform;
* Returns an object with the current transform attribute value.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {string} current transform object
function getStartSvgTransform(_: string, value: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} prop the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {KUTE.transformSVGObject} the property tween object
function prepareSvgTransform(prop: string, value: string): KUTE.transformSVGObject;
import { svgTransformOnStart } from "kute.js/src/components/svgTransformBase";
function svgTransformCrossCheck(prop: any): void;
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
* Returns a correct transform origin consistent with the shape bounding box.
* @param {string} origin transform origin string
* @param {SVGPathCommander.pathBBox} bbox path bounding box
* @returns {number}
function parseStringOrigin(origin: string, bbox: SVGPathCommander.pathBBox): number;
* Parse SVG transform string and return an object.
* @param {string} a transform string
* @returns {Object<string, (string | number)>}
function parseTransformString(a: string): {
[x: string]: (string | number);
* Returns the SVG transform tween object.
* @param {string} _ property name
* @param {Object<string, (string | number)>} v property value object
* @returns {KUTE.transformSVGObject} the SVG transform tween object
function parseTransformSVG(_: string, v: {
[x: string]: (string | number);
}): KUTE.transformSVGObject;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/textPropertiesBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function textPropOnStart(tweenProp: string): void;
export default TextPropertiesBase;
namespace TextPropertiesBase {
const component: string;
const category: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { units };
namespace functions {
export { textOnStart as onStart };
import units from "kute.js/src/interpolation/units";
const textOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/components/textProperties" {
* Returns the current property computed style.
* @param {string} prop the property name
* @returns {string} computed style for property
export function getTextProp(prop: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {number} the property tween object
export function prepareTextProp(_: string, value: string): number;
export default TextProperties;
namespace TextProperties {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { textProps as properties };
export namespace defaultValues {
const fontSize: number;
const lineHeight: number;
const letterSpacing: number;
const wordSpacing: number;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { units };
export { textPropFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueDimension };
const textProps: string[];
import units from "kute.js/src/interpolation/units";
namespace textPropFunctions {
export { getTextProp as prepareStart };
export { prepareTextProp as prepareProperty };
export { textOnStart as onStart };
import trueDimension from "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension";
const textOnStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/connect" {
export default connect;
namespace connect {
const tween: KUTE.TweenBase | KUTE.Tween | KUTE.TweenExtra;
const processEasing: any;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/textWriteBase" {
export namespace onStartWrite {
* onStartWrite.text
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function text(tweenProp: string): void;
* onStartWrite.text
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function text(tweenProp: string): void;
* onStartWrite.number
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function number(tweenProp: string): void;
* onStartWrite.number
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function number(tweenProp: string): void;
export namespace TextWriteBase {
const component: string;
const category: string;
namespace defaultOptions {
const textChars: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartWrite as onStart };
namespace Util {
export { charSet };
export default TextWriteBase;
export namespace charSet {
export { lowerCaseAlpha as alpha };
export { upperCaseAlpha as upper };
export { nonAlpha as symbols };
export { numeric };
export { alphaNumeric as alphanumeric };
export { allTypes as all };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
const lowerCaseAlpha: string[];
const upperCaseAlpha: string[];
const nonAlpha: string[];
const numeric: string[];
const alphaNumeric: string[];
const allTypes: string[];
declare module "kute.js/src/components/textWrite" {
export function createTextTweens(target: any, newText: any, ops: any): false | any[];
export namespace textWriteFunctions {
export { getWrite as prepareStart };
export { prepareText as prepareProperty };
export { onStartWrite as onStart };
export namespace TextWrite {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export const properties: string[];
export namespace defaultValues {
const text: string;
const number: string;
export namespace defaultOptions {
const textChars: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { textWriteFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { charSet };
export { createTextTweens };
export default TextWrite;
* Returns the current element `innerHTML`.
* @returns {string} computed style for property
function getWrite(): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {number | string} the property tween object
function prepareText(tweenProp: string, value: string): number | string;
import { onStartWrite } from "kute.js/src/components/textWriteBase";
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import { charSet } from "kute.js/src/components/textWriteBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/perspective" {
* Perspective Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start value
* @param {number} b end value
* @param {string} u unit
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the perspective function in string format
export default function perspective(a: number, b: number, u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate3d" {
* Translate 3D Interpolation Function.
* @param {number[]} a start [x,y,z] position
* @param {number[]} b end [x,y,z] position
* @param {string} u unit, usually `px` degrees
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated 3D translation string
export default function translate3d(a: number[], b: number[], u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate3d" {
* 3D Rotation Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start [x,y,z] angles
* @param {number} b end [x,y,z] angles
* @param {string} u unit, usually `deg` degrees
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated 3D rotation string
export default function rotate3d(a: number, b: number, u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate" {
* Translate 2D Interpolation Function.
* @param {number[]} a start [x,y] position
* @param {number[]} b end [x,y] position
* @param {string} u unit, usually `px` degrees
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated 2D translation string
export default function translate(a: number[], b: number[], u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate" {
* 2D Rotation Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start angle
* @param {number} b end angle
* @param {string} u unit, usually `deg` degrees
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated rotation
export default function rotate(a: number, b: number, u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/scale" {
* Scale Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start scale
* @param {number} b end scale
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated scale
export default function scale(a: number, b: number, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/skew" {
* Skew Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start {x,y} angles
* @param {number} b end {x,y} angles
* @param {string} u unit, usually `deg` degrees
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated string value of skew(s)
export default function skew(a: number, b: number, u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/transformFunctionsBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* * same to svgTransform, htmlAttributes
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartTransform(tweenProp: string): void;
export default TransformFunctionsBase;
namespace TransformFunctionsBase {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace functions {
export { onStartTransform as onStart };
namespace Interpolate {
export { perspective };
export { translate3d };
export { rotate3d };
export { translate };
export { rotate };
export { scale };
export { skew };
import perspective from "kute.js/src/interpolation/perspective";
import translate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate3d";
import rotate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate3d";
import translate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate";
import rotate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate";
import scale from "kute.js/src/interpolation/scale";
import skew from "kute.js/src/interpolation/skew";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/transformFunctions" {
export default TransformFunctions;
namespace TransformFunctions {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export { supportedTransformProperties as subProperties };
export { defaultTransformValues as defaultValues };
export { transformFunctions as functions };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { perspective };
export { translate3d };
export { rotate3d };
export { translate };
export { rotate };
export { scale };
export { skew };
const supportedTransformProperties: string[];
namespace defaultTransformValues {
const perspective_1: number;
export { perspective_1 as perspective };
const translate3d_1: number[];
export { translate3d_1 as translate3d };
export const translateX: number;
export const translateY: number;
export const translateZ: number;
const translate_1: number[];
export { translate_1 as translate };
const rotate3d_1: number[];
export { rotate3d_1 as rotate3d };
export const rotateX: number;
export const rotateY: number;
export const rotateZ: number;
const rotate_1: number;
export { rotate_1 as rotate };
export const skewX: number;
export const skewY: number;
const skew_1: number[];
export { skew_1 as skew };
const scale_1: number;
export { scale_1 as scale };
namespace transformFunctions {
export { getTransform as prepareStart };
export { prepareTransform as prepareProperty };
export { onStartTransform as onStart };
export { crossCheckTransform as crossCheck };
import perspective from "kute.js/src/interpolation/perspective";
import translate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate3d";
import rotate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate3d";
import translate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate";
import rotate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate";
import scale from "kute.js/src/interpolation/scale";
import skew from "kute.js/src/interpolation/skew";
* Returns the current property inline style.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
* @returns {string} inline style for property
function getTransform(tweenProp: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {Object<string, string | number | (string | number)[]>} obj the property value
* @returns {KUTE.transformFObject} the property tween object
function prepareTransform(_: string, obj: {
[x: string]: string | number | (string | number)[];
}): KUTE.transformFObject;
import { onStartTransform } from "kute.js/src/components/transformFunctionsBase";
* Prepare tween object in advance for `to()` method.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function crossCheckTransform(tweenProp: string): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/transformProperty" {
export default transformProperty;
/** the `transform` string for legacy browsers */
const transformProperty: string;
declare module "kute.js/src/process/getInlineStyleLegacy" {
* getInlineStyle
* Returns the transform style for element from cssText.
* Used by for the `.to()` static method on legacy browsers.
* @param {Element} el target element
* @returns {object} a transform object
export default function getInlineStyleLegacy(el: Element): object;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/supportLegacyTransform" {
export default supportTransform;
/** check if transform is supported via prefixed property */
const supportTransform: boolean;
declare module "kute.js/src/components/transformLegacyBase" {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
export function onStartLegacyTransform(tweenProp: string): void;
export default BaseLegacyTransform;
namespace BaseLegacyTransform {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace functions {
export { onStartLegacyTransform as onStart };
namespace Interpolate {
export { perspective };
export { translate3d };
export { rotate3d };
export { translate };
export { rotate };
export { scale };
export { skew };
namespace Util {
export { transformProperty };
import perspective from "kute.js/src/interpolation/perspective";
import translate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate3d";
import rotate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate3d";
import translate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate";
import rotate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate";
import scale from "kute.js/src/interpolation/scale";
import skew from "kute.js/src/interpolation/skew";
import transformProperty from "kute.js/src/util/transformProperty";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/transformLegacy" {
export default transformLegacyComponent;
namespace transformLegacyComponent {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export { legacyTransformProperties as subProperties };
export { legacyTransformValues as defaultValues };
export { transformLegacyFunctions as functions };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { perspective };
export { translate3d };
export { rotate3d };
export { translate };
export { rotate };
export { scale };
export { skew };
export const Util: string[];
const legacyTransformProperties: string[];
namespace legacyTransformValues {
const perspective_1: number;
export { perspective_1 as perspective };
const translate3d_1: number[];
export { translate3d_1 as translate3d };
export const translateX: number;
export const translateY: number;
export const translateZ: number;
const translate_1: number[];
export { translate_1 as translate };
const rotate3d_1: number[];
export { rotate3d_1 as rotate3d };
export const rotateX: number;
export const rotateY: number;
export const rotateZ: number;
const rotate_1: number;
export { rotate_1 as rotate };
export const skewX: number;
export const skewY: number;
const skew_1: number[];
export { skew_1 as skew };
const scale_1: number;
export { scale_1 as scale };
namespace transformLegacyFunctions {
export { getLegacyTransform as prepareStart };
export { prepareLegacyTransform as prepareProperty };
export { onStartLegacyTransform as onStart };
export { crossCheckLegacyTransform as crossCheck };
import perspective from "kute.js/src/interpolation/perspective";
import translate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate3d";
import rotate3d from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate3d";
import translate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate";
import rotate from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate";
import scale from "kute.js/src/interpolation/scale";
import skew from "kute.js/src/interpolation/skew";
* Returns the current property inline style.
* @param {string} tweenProperty the property name
* @returns {string} inline style for property
function getLegacyTransform(tweenProperty: string): string;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {Object<string, string | number | (string | number)[]>} obj the property value
* @returns {KUTE.transformFObject} the property tween object
function prepareLegacyTransform(_: string, obj: {
[x: string]: string | number | (string | number)[];
}): KUTE.transformFObject;
import { onStartLegacyTransform } from "kute.js/src/components/transformLegacyBase";
* Prepare tween object in advance for `to()` method.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function crossCheckLegacyTransform(tweenProp: string): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/arrays" {
* Array Interpolation Function.
* @param {number[]} a start array
* @param {number[]} b end array
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {number[]} the resulting array
export default function arrays(a: number[], b: number[], v: number): number[];
declare module "kute.js/src/components/transformMatrixBase" {
export namespace onStartTransform {
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function transform(tweenProp: string): void;
* Sets the property update function.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function transform(tweenProp: string): void;
* onStartTransform.CSS3Matrix
* Sets the update function for the property.
* @param {string} prop the property name
function CSS3Matrix(prop: string): void;
* onStartTransform.CSS3Matrix
* Sets the update function for the property.
* @param {string} prop the property name
function CSS3Matrix(prop: string): void;
export namespace TransformMatrixBase {
export { matrixComponent as component };
export const property: string;
export namespace functions {
export { onStartTransform as onStart };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers as perspective };
export { arrays as translate3d };
export { arrays as rotate3d };
export { arrays as skew };
export { arrays as scale3d };
export default TransformMatrixBase;
const matrixComponent: "transformMatrixBase";
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import arrays from "kute.js/src/interpolation/arrays";
declare module "kute.js/src/components/transformMatrix" {
export default matrixTransform;
namespace matrixTransform {
export { matrixComponent as component };
export const property: string;
export namespace defaultValue {
const perspective: number;
const translate3d: number[];
const translateX: number;
const translateY: number;
const translateZ: number;
const rotate3d: number[];
const rotateX: number;
const rotateY: number;
const rotateZ: number;
const skew: number[];
const skewX: number;
const skewY: number;
const scale3d: number[];
const scaleX: number;
const scaleY: number;
const scaleZ: number;
export { matrixFunctions as functions };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers as perspective };
export { arrays as translate3d };
export { arrays as rotate3d };
export { arrays as skew };
export { arrays as scale3d };
const matrixComponent: "transformMatrix";
namespace matrixFunctions {
export { getTransform as prepareStart };
export { prepareTransform as prepareProperty };
export { onStartTransform as onStart };
export { onCompleteTransform as onComplete };
export { crossCheckTransform as crossCheck };
import numbers from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
import arrays from "kute.js/src/interpolation/arrays";
* Returns the current transform object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {string} value the property value
* @returns {KUTE.transformMObject} transform object
function getTransform(_: string, value: string): KUTE.transformMObject;
* Returns the property tween object.
* @param {string} _ the property name
* @param {Object<string, string | number | (string | number)[]>} obj the property value
* @returns {KUTE.transformMObject} the property tween object
function prepareTransform(_: string, value: any): KUTE.transformMObject;
import { onStartTransform } from "kute.js/src/components/transformMatrixBase";
* Sets the end values for the next `to()` method call.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function onCompleteTransform(tweenProp: string): void;
* Prepare tween object in advance for `to()` method.
* @param {string} tweenProp the property name
function crossCheckTransform(tweenProp: string): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/tweens" {
export default Tweens;
const Tweens: any[];
declare module "kute.js/src/core/add" {
export default add;
* KUTE.add(Tween)
* @param {KUTE.Tween} tw a new tween to add
function add(tw: KUTE.Tween): number;
declare module "kute.js/src/core/getAll" {
export default getAll;
* KUTE.add(Tween)
* @return {KUTE.Tween[]} tw a new tween to add
function getAll(): KUTE.Tween[];
declare module "kute.js/src/core/remove" {
export default remove;
* KUTE.remove(Tween)
* @param {KUTE.Tween} tw a new tween to add
function remove(tw: KUTE.Tween): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/core/removeAll" {
export default removeAll;
* KUTE.removeAll()
function removeAll(): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/globalObject" {
export default globalObject;
const globalObject: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/util/now" {
export default now;
function now(): number;
declare module "kute.js/src/core/render" {
export function stop(): void;
export default Render;
export let Tick: number;
* @param {number | Date} time
export function Ticker(time: number | Date): void;
namespace Render {
export { Tick };
export { Ticker };
export { Tweens };
export { Time };
import Tweens from "kute.js/src/objects/tweens";
namespace Time {
export { now };
import now from "kute.js/src/util/now";
declare module "kute.js/src/core/linkInterpolation" {
* linkInterpolation
* @this {KUTE.Tween}
export default function linkInterpolation(): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/core/internals" {
export default internals;
namespace internals {
export { add };
export { remove };
export { getAll };
export { removeAll };
export { stop };
export { linkInterpolation };
import add from "kute.js/src/core/add";
import remove from "kute.js/src/core/remove";
import getAll from "kute.js/src/core/getAll";
import removeAll from "kute.js/src/core/removeAll";
import { stop } from "kute.js/src/core/render";
import linkInterpolation from "kute.js/src/core/linkInterpolation";
declare module "kute.js/src/core/queueStart" {
export default function queueStart(): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/easing/easing-base" {
export default Easing;
namespace Easing {
const linear: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuadraticIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuadraticOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuadraticInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCubicIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCubicOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCubicInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCircularIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCircularOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCircularInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBackIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBackOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBackInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
declare module "kute.js/src/easing/easing-bezier" {
export default Easing;
namespace Easing {
const linear: CubicBezier;
const easingSinusoidalIn: CubicBezier;
const easingSinusoidalOut: CubicBezier;
const easingSinusoidalInOut: CubicBezier;
const easingQuadraticIn: CubicBezier;
const easingQuadraticOut: CubicBezier;
const easingQuadraticInOut: CubicBezier;
const easingCubicIn: CubicBezier;
const easingCubicOut: CubicBezier;
const easingCubicInOut: CubicBezier;
const easingQuarticIn: CubicBezier;
const easingQuarticOut: CubicBezier;
const easingQuarticInOut: CubicBezier;
const easingQuinticIn: CubicBezier;
const easingQuinticOut: CubicBezier;
const easingQuinticInOut: CubicBezier;
const easingExponentialIn: CubicBezier;
const easingExponentialOut: CubicBezier;
const easingExponentialInOut: CubicBezier;
const easingCircularIn: CubicBezier;
const easingCircularOut: CubicBezier;
const easingCircularInOut: CubicBezier;
const easingBackIn: CubicBezier;
const easingBackOut: CubicBezier;
const easingBackInOut: CubicBezier;
import CubicBezier from "cubic-bezier-easing";
declare module "kute.js/src/easing/easing" {
export default Easing;
namespace Easing {
const linear: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingSinusoidalIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingSinusoidalOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingSinusoidalInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuadraticIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuadraticOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuadraticInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCubicIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCubicOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCubicInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuarticIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuarticOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuarticInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuinticIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuinticOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingQuinticInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCircularIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCircularOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingCircularInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingExponentialIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingExponentialOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingExponentialInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBackIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBackOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBackInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingElasticIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingElasticOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingElasticInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBounceIn: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBounceOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
const easingBounceInOut: KUTE.easingFunction;
declare module "kute.js/src/tween/tweenCollection" {
* The static method creates a new `Tween` object for each `HTMLElement`
* from and `Array`, `HTMLCollection` or `NodeList`.
export default class TweenCollection {
* @param {Element[] | HTMLCollection | NodeList} els target elements
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} vS the start values
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} vE the end values
* @param {KUTE.tweenOptions} Options tween options
* @returns {TweenCollection} the Tween object collection
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
constructor(els: Element[] | HTMLCollection | NodeList, vS: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, vE: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, Options: KUTE.tweenOptions);
/** @type {KUTE.twCollection[]} */
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
tweens: import("kute.js/types").twCollection[];
/** @type {number?} */
length: number | null;
* Starts tweening, all targets
* @param {number?} time the tween start time
* @returns {TweenCollection} this instance
start(time: number | null): TweenCollection;
* Stops tweening, all targets and their chains
* @returns {TweenCollection} this instance
stop(): TweenCollection;
* Pause tweening, all targets
* @returns {TweenCollection} this instance
pause(): TweenCollection;
* Resume tweening, all targets
* @returns {TweenCollection} this instance
resume(): TweenCollection;
* Schedule another tween or collection to start after
* this one is complete.
* @param {number?} args the tween start time
* @returns {TweenCollection} this instance
chain(args: number | null): TweenCollection;
* Check if any tween instance is playing
* @param {number?} time the tween start time
* @returns {TweenCollection} this instance
playing(): TweenCollection;
* Remove all tweens in the collection
removeTweens(): void;
* Returns the maximum animation duration
* @returns {number} this instance
getMaxDuration(): number;
declare module "kute.js/src/interface/allFromTo" {
* The `KUTE.allFromTo()` static method creates a new Tween object
* for multiple `HTMLElement`s, `HTMLCollection` or `NodeListat`
* at a given state.
* @param {Element[] | HTMLCollection | NodeList} elements target elements
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} startObject
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} endObject
* @param {KUTE.tweenOptions} optionsObj tween options
* @returns {TweenCollection} the Tween object collection
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
export default function allFromTo(elements: Element[] | HTMLCollection | NodeList, startObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, endObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, optionsObj: KUTE.tweenOptions): TweenCollection;
import TweenCollection from "kute.js/src/tween/tweenCollection";
declare module "kute.js/src/interface/allTo" {
* The `KUTE.allTo()` static method creates a new Tween object
* for multiple `HTMLElement`s, `HTMLCollection` or `NodeListat`
* at their current state.
* @param {Element[] | HTMLCollection | NodeList} elements target elements
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} endObject
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} optionsObj progress
* @returns {TweenCollection} the Tween object collection
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
export default function allTo(elements: Element[] | HTMLCollection | NodeList, endObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, optionsObj: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps): TweenCollection;
import TweenCollection from "kute.js/src/tween/tweenCollection";
declare module "kute.js/src/interface/fromTo" {
* The `KUTE.fromTo()` static method returns a new Tween object
* for a single `HTMLElement` at a given state.
* @param {Element} element target element
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} startObject
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} endObject
* @param {KUTE.tweenOptions} optionsObj tween options
* @returns {KUTE.Tween} the resulting Tween object
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
export default function fromTo(element: Element, startObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, endObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, optionsObj: KUTE.tweenOptions): KUTE.Tween;
declare module "kute.js/src/interface/to" {
* The `KUTE.to()` static method returns a new Tween object
* for a single `HTMLElement` at its current state.
* @param {Element} element target element
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} endObject
* @param {KUTE.tweenOptions} optionsObj tween options
* @returns {KUTE.Tween} the resulting Tween object
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
export default function to(element: Element, endObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, optionsObj: KUTE.tweenOptions): KUTE.Tween;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/skewX" {
* SkewX Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start angle
* @param {number} b end angle
* @param {string} u unit, usually `deg` degrees
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated skewX
export default function skewX(a: number, b: number, u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/interpolation/skewY" {
* SkewY Interpolation Function.
* @param {number} a start angle
* @param {number} b end angle
* @param {string} u unit, usually `deg` degrees
* @param {number} v progress
* @returns {string} the interpolated skewY
export default function skewY(a: number, b: number, u: string, v: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/componentsBase" {
export default Components;
namespace Components {
const Transform: Animation;
const BoxModel: Animation;
const Opacity: Animation;
import Animation from "kute.js/src/animation/animationBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/componentsDefault" {
export default Components;
namespace Components {
export { EssentialBoxModel };
export { ColorsProperties };
export { HTMLAttributes };
export { OpacityProperty };
export { TextWriteProp };
export { TransformFunctions };
export { SVGDraw };
export { SVGMorph };
import EssentialBoxModel from "kute.js/src/components/boxModelEssential";
import ColorsProperties from "kute.js/src/components/colorProperties";
import HTMLAttributes from "kute.js/src/components/htmlAttributes";
import OpacityProperty from "kute.js/src/components/opacityProperty";
import TextWriteProp from "kute.js/src/components/textWrite";
import TransformFunctions from "kute.js/src/components/transformFunctions";
import SVGDraw from "kute.js/src/components/svgDraw";
import SVGMorph from "kute.js/src/components/svgMorph";
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/componentsExtra" {
export default Components;
namespace Components {
export { BackgroundPosition };
export { BorderRadius };
export { BoxModel };
export { ClipProperty };
export { ColorProperties };
export { FilterEffects };
export { HTMLAttributes };
export { OpacityProperty };
export { SVGDraw };
export { SVGCubicMorph };
export { SVGTransform };
export { ScrollProperty };
export { ShadowProperties };
export { TextProperties };
export { TextWriteProperties };
export { MatrixTransform };
import BackgroundPosition from "kute.js/src/components/backgroundPosition";
import BorderRadius from "kute.js/src/components/borderRadius";
import BoxModel from "kute.js/src/components/boxModel";
import ClipProperty from "kute.js/src/components/clipProperty";
import ColorProperties from "kute.js/src/components/colorProperties";
import FilterEffects from "kute.js/src/components/filterEffects";
import HTMLAttributes from "kute.js/src/components/htmlAttributes";
import OpacityProperty from "kute.js/src/components/opacityProperty";
import SVGDraw from "kute.js/src/components/svgDraw";
import SVGCubicMorph from "kute.js/src/components/svgCubicMorph";
import SVGTransform from "kute.js/src/components/svgTransform";
import ScrollProperty from "kute.js/src/components/scrollProperty";
import ShadowProperties from "kute.js/src/components/shadowProperties";
import TextProperties from "kute.js/src/components/textProperties";
import TextWriteProperties from "kute.js/src/components/textWrite";
import MatrixTransform from "kute.js/src/components/transformMatrix";
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/objects" {
export default Objects;
namespace Objects {
export { supportedProperties };
export { defaultValues };
export { defaultOptions };
export { prepareProperty };
export { prepareStart };
export { crossCheck };
export { onStart };
export { onComplete };
export { linkProperty };
import supportedProperties from "kute.js/src/objects/supportedProperties";
import defaultValues from "kute.js/src/objects/defaultValues";
import defaultOptions from "kute.js/src/objects/defaultOptions";
import prepareProperty from "kute.js/src/objects/prepareProperty";
import prepareStart from "kute.js/src/objects/prepareStart";
import crossCheck from "kute.js/src/objects/crossCheck";
import onStart from "kute.js/src/objects/onStart";
import onComplete from "kute.js/src/objects/onComplete";
import linkProperty from "kute.js/src/objects/linkProperty";
declare module "kute.js/src/objects/objectsBase" {
export default Objects;
namespace Objects {
export { defaultOptions };
export { linkProperty };
export { onStart };
export { onComplete };
import defaultOptions from "kute.js/src/objects/defaultOptions";
import linkProperty from "kute.js/src/objects/linkProperty";
import onStart from "kute.js/src/objects/onStart";
import onComplete from "kute.js/src/objects/onComplete";
declare module "kute.js/src/process/prepareObject" {
* prepareObject
* Returns all processed valuesStart / valuesEnd.
* @param {Element} obj the values start/end object
* @param {string} fn toggles between the two
export default function prepareObject(obj: Element, fn: string): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/process/getStartValues" {
* getStartValues
* Returns the start values for to() method.
* Used by for the `.to()` static method.
* @this {KUTE.Tween} the tween instance
export default function getStartValues(): void;
export default class getStartValues {
valuesStart: {};
declare module "kute.js/src/process/process" {
namespace _default {
export { getInlineStyle };
export { getStyleForProperty };
export { getStartValues };
export { prepareObject };
export default _default;
import getInlineStyle from "kute.js/src/process/getInlineStyle";
import getStyleForProperty from "kute.js/src/process/getStyleForProperty";
import getStartValues from "kute.js/src/process/getStartValues";
import prepareObject from "kute.js/src/process/prepareObject";
declare module "kute.js/src/tween/tweenBase" {
* The `TweenBase` constructor creates a new `Tween` object
* for a single `HTMLElement` and returns it.
* `TweenBase` is meant to be used with pre-processed values.
export default class TweenBase {
* @param {Element} targetElement the target element
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} startObject the start values
* @param {KUTE.tweenProps} endObject the end values
* @param {KUTE.tweenOptions} opsObject the end values
* @returns {TweenBase} the resulting Tween object
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
constructor(targetElement: Element, startObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, endObject: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps, opsObject: KUTE.tweenOptions);
element: Element;
/** @type {boolean} */
playing: boolean;
/** @type {number?} */
_startTime: number | null;
/** @type {boolean} */
_startFired: boolean;
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
valuesEnd: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps;
valuesStart: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps;
_resetStart: any;
/** @type {KUTE.easingOption} */
_easing: KUTE.easingOption;
/** @type {number} */
_duration: number;
/** @type {number} */
_delay: number;
* Starts tweening
* @param {number?} time the tween start time
* @returns {TweenBase} this instance
start(time: number | null): TweenBase;
* Stops tweening
* @returns {TweenBase} this instance
stop(): TweenBase;
* Trigger internal completion callbacks.
close(): void;
* Schedule another tween instance to start once this one completes.
* @param {KUTE.chainOption} args the tween animation start time
* @returns {TweenBase} this instance
chain(args: KUTE.chainOption): TweenBase;
_chain: any;
* Stop tweening the chained tween instances.
stopChainedTweens(): void;
* Update the tween on each tick.
* @param {number} time the tick time
* @returns {boolean} this instance
update(time: number): boolean;
declare module "kute.js/src/tween/tween" {
* The `KUTE.Tween()` constructor creates a new `Tween` object
* for a single `HTMLElement` and returns it.
* This constructor adds additional functionality and is the default
* Tween object constructor in KUTE.js.
export default class Tween extends TweenBase {
/** @type {boolean} */
paused: boolean;
/** @type {number?} */
_pauseTime: number | null;
/** @type {number?} */
_repeat: number | null;
/** @type {number?} */
_repeatDelay: number | null;
/** @type {number?} */
_repeatOption: number | null;
/** @type {KUTE.tweenProps} */
2021-12-29 17:42:20 +01:00
valuesRepeat: import("kute.js/types").tweenProps;
/** @type {boolean} */
_yoyo: boolean;
/** @type {boolean} */
_reversed: boolean;
* Resume tweening
* @returns {Tween} this instance
resume(): Tween;
* Pause tweening
* @returns {Tween} this instance
pause(): Tween;
* Reverses start values with end values
reverse(): void;
import TweenBase from "kute.js/src/tween/tweenBase";
declare module "kute.js/src/tween/tweenExtra" {
* The `KUTE.TweenExtra()` constructor creates a new `Tween` object
* for a single `HTMLElement` and returns it.
* This constructor is intended for experiments or testing of new features.
export default class TweenExtra extends Tween {
* Method to add callbacks on the fly.
* @param {string} name callback name
* @param {Function} fn callback function
* @returns {TweenExtra}
on(name: string, fn: Function): TweenExtra;
* Method to set options on the fly.
* * accepting [repeat,yoyo,delay,repeatDelay,easing]
* @param {string} option the tick time
* @param {string | number | number[]} value the tick time
* @returns {TweenExtra}
option(option: string, value: string | number | number[]): TweenExtra;
import Tween from "kute.js/src/tween/tween";
declare module "kute.js/src/util/degToRad" {
export default degToRad;
* degToRad
* Returns the value of a degree angle in radian.
* @param {number} a the degree angle
* @returns {number} the radian angle
function degToRad(a: number): number;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/fromJSON" {
export default fromJSON;
* fromJSON
* Returns the {valuesStart, valuesEnd} objects
* from a Tween instance.
* @param {string} str the JSON string
* @returns {JSON} the JSON object
function fromJSON(str: string): JSON;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/progressBar" {
* ProgressBar
* @class
* A progress bar utility for KUTE.js that will connect
* a target `<input type="slider">`. with a Tween instance
* allowing it to control the progress of the Tween.
export default class ProgressBar {
* @constructor
* @param {HTMLElement} el target or string selector
* @param {KUTE.Tween} multi when true returns an array of elements
constructor(element: any, tween: any);
element: HTMLInputElement;
updateBar(): void;
toggleEvents(action: any): void;
updateTween(): void;
moveAction(): void;
downAction(): void;
upAction(): void;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/radToDeg" {
export default radToDeg;
* radToDeg
* Returns the value of a radian in degrees.
* @param {number} a the value in radian
* @returns {number} the value in degrees
function radToDeg(a: number): number;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/rgbToHex" {
export default rgbToHex;
* rgbToHex
* Converts an {r,g,b} color `Object` into #HEX string color format.
* Webkit browsers ignore HEX, always use RGB/RGBA.
* @param {number} r the red value
* @param {number} g the green value
* @param {number} b the blue value
* @returns {string} the #HEX string
function rgbToHex(r: number, g: number, b: number): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/toJSON" {
export default toJSON;
* toJSON
* Returns the {valuesStart, valuesEnd} objects
* from a Tween instance in JSON string format.
* @param {KUTE.Tween} tween the Tween instance
* @returns {string} the JSON string
function toJSON(tween: KUTE.Tween): string;
declare module "kute.js/src/util/version" {
export default Version;
* A global namespace for library version.
* @type {string}
const Version: string;
declare module "kute.js/types/more/kute" {
export { default as Animation } from "kute.js/src/animation/animation";
export { default as AnimationBase } from "kute.js/src/animation/animationBase";
export { default as AnimationDevelopment } from "kute.js/src/animation/animationDevelopment";
export { default as backgroundPosition } from "kute.js/src/components/backgroundPosition";
export { default as backgroundPositionBase } from "kute.js/src/components/backgroundPositionBase";
export { default as borderRadius } from "kute.js/src/components/borderRadius";
export { default as borderRadiusBase } from "kute.js/src/components/borderRadiusBase";
export { default as boxModel } from "kute.js/src/components/boxModel";
export { default as boxModelBase } from "kute.js/src/components/boxModelBase";
export { default as boxModelEssential } from "kute.js/src/components/boxModelEssential";
export { default as clipProperty } from "kute.js/src/components/clipProperty";
export { default as clipPropertyBase } from "kute.js/src/components/clipPropertyBase";
export { default as colorProperties } from "kute.js/src/components/colorProperties";
export { default as colorPropertiesBase } from "kute.js/src/components/colorPropertiesBase";
export { default as crossBrowserMove } from "kute.js/src/components/crossBrowserMove";
export { default as filterEffects } from "kute.js/src/components/filterEffects";
export { default as filterEffectsBase } from "kute.js/src/components/filterEffectsBase";
export { default as htmlAttributes } from "kute.js/src/components/htmlAttributes";
export { default as htmlAttributesBase } from "kute.js/src/components/htmlAttributesBase";
export { default as opacityProperty } from "kute.js/src/components/opacityProperty";
export { default as opacityPropertyBase } from "kute.js/src/components/opacityPropertyBase";
export { default as scrollProperty } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollProperty";
export { default as scrollPropertyBase } from "kute.js/src/components/scrollPropertyBase";
export { default as shadowProperties } from "kute.js/src/components/shadowProperties";
export { default as shadowPropertiesBase } from "kute.js/src/components/shadowPropertiesBase";
export { default as svgCubicMorph } from "kute.js/src/components/svgCubicMorph";
export { default as svgCubicMorphBase } from "kute.js/src/components/svgCubicMorphBase";
export { default as svgDraw } from "kute.js/src/components/svgDraw";
export { default as svgDrawBase } from "kute.js/src/components/svgDrawBase";
export { default as svgMorph } from "kute.js/src/components/svgMorph";
export { default as svgMorphBase } from "kute.js/src/components/svgMorphBase";
export { default as svgTransform } from "kute.js/src/components/svgTransform";
export { default as svgTransformBase } from "kute.js/src/components/svgTransformBase";
export { default as textProperties } from "kute.js/src/components/textProperties";
export { default as textPropertiesBase } from "kute.js/src/components/textPropertiesBase";
export { default as textWrite } from "kute.js/src/components/textWrite";
export { default as textWriteBase } from "kute.js/src/components/textWriteBase";
export { default as transformFunctions } from "kute.js/src/components/transformFunctions";
export { default as transformFunctionsBase } from "kute.js/src/components/transformFunctionsBase";
export { default as transformLegacy } from "kute.js/src/components/transformLegacy";
export { default as transformLegacyBase } from "kute.js/src/components/transformLegacyBase";
export { default as transformMatrix } from "kute.js/src/components/transformMatrix";
export { default as transformMatrixBase } from "kute.js/src/components/transformMatrixBase";
export { default as add } from "kute.js/src/core/add";
export { default as getAll } from "kute.js/src/core/getAll";
export { default as Internals } from "kute.js/src/core/internals";
export { default as linkInterpolation } from "kute.js/src/core/linkInterpolation";
export { default as queueStart } from "kute.js/src/core/queueStart";
export { default as remove } from "kute.js/src/core/remove";
export { default as removeAll } from "kute.js/src/core/removeAll";
export { default as Render } from "kute.js/src/core/render";
export { default as EasingBase } from "kute.js/src/easing/easing-base";
export { default as EasingBezier } from "kute.js/src/easing/easing-bezier";
export { default as Easing } from "kute.js/src/easing/easing";
export { default as allFromTo } from "kute.js/src/interface/allFromTo";
export { default as allTo } from "kute.js/src/interface/allTo";
export { default as fromTo } from "kute.js/src/interface/fromTo";
export { default as to } from "kute.js/src/interface/to";
export { default as arrays } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/arrays";
export { default as colors } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/colors";
export { default as coords } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/coords";
export { default as numbers } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/numbers";
export { default as perspective } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/perspective";
export { default as rotate } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate";
export { default as rotate3d } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/rotate3d";
export { default as scale } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/scale";
export { default as skew } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/skew";
export { default as skewX } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/skewX";
export { default as skewY } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/skewY";
export { default as translate } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate";
export { default as translate3d } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/translate3d";
export { default as units } from "kute.js/src/interpolation/units";
export { default as ComponentsBase } from "kute.js/src/objects/componentsBase";
export { default as ComponentsDefault } from "kute.js/src/objects/componentsDefault";
export { default as ComponentsExtra } from "kute.js/src/objects/componentsExtra";
export { default as connect } from "kute.js/src/objects/connect";
export { default as crossCheck } from "kute.js/src/objects/crossCheck";
export { default as defaultOptions } from "kute.js/src/objects/defaultOptions";
export { default as defaultValues } from "kute.js/src/objects/defaultValues";
export { default as globalObject } from "kute.js/src/objects/globalObject";
export { default as Interpolate } from "kute.js/src/objects/interpolate";
export { default as KEC } from "kute.js/src/objects/kute";
export { default as linkProperty } from "kute.js/src/objects/linkProperty";
export { default as Objects } from "kute.js/src/objects/objects";
export { default as ObjectsBase } from "kute.js/src/objects/objectsBase";
export { default as onComplete } from "kute.js/src/objects/onComplete";
export { default as onStart } from "kute.js/src/objects/onStart";
export { default as prepareProperty } from "kute.js/src/objects/prepareProperty";
export { default as prepareStart } from "kute.js/src/objects/prepareStart";
export { default as supportedProperties } from "kute.js/src/objects/supportedProperties";
export { default as Tweens } from "kute.js/src/objects/tweens";
export { default as Util } from "kute.js/src/objects/util";
export { default as getInlineStyle } from "kute.js/src/process/getInlineStyle";
export { default as getInlineStyleLegacy } from "kute.js/src/process/getInlineStyleLegacy";
export { default as getStartValues } from "kute.js/src/process/getStartValues";
export { default as getStyleForProperty } from "kute.js/src/process/getStyleForProperty";
export { default as prepareObject } from "kute.js/src/process/prepareObject";
export { default as Process } from "kute.js/src/process/process";
export { default as Tween } from "kute.js/src/tween/tween";
export { default as TweenBase } from "kute.js/src/tween/tweenBase";
export { default as TweenCollection } from "kute.js/src/tween/tweenCollection";
export { default as TweenExtra } from "kute.js/src/tween/tweenExtra";
export { default as degToRad } from "kute.js/src/util/degToRad";
export { default as fromJSON } from "kute.js/src/util/fromJSON";
export { default as getPrefix } from "kute.js/src/util/getPrefix";
export { default as hexToRGB } from "kute.js/src/util/hexToRGB";
export { default as now } from "kute.js/src/util/now";
export { default as ProgressBar } from "kute.js/src/util/progressBar";
export { default as radToDeg } from "kute.js/src/util/radToDeg";
export { default as rgbToHex } from "kute.js/src/util/rgbToHex";
export { default as selector } from "kute.js/src/util/selector";
export { default as supportLegacyTransform } from "kute.js/src/util/supportLegacyTransform";
export { default as toJSON } from "kute.js/src/util/toJSON";
export { default as transformProperty } from "kute.js/src/util/transformProperty";
export { default as trueColor } from "kute.js/src/util/trueColor";
export { default as trueDimension } from "kute.js/src/util/trueDimension";
export { default as trueProperty } from "kute.js/src/util/trueProperty";
export { default as Version } from "kute.js/src/util/version";